"With whom have you come here?"

He stated firmly, "I've come here by myself." You know, when there is confusion in life and we cannot reach any conclusion, then we should allow ourselves time to ourselves, so that we may prepare ourselves for the trials that will follow.

"I couldn't comprehend the actual significance of what he said. Rather than digging into the intricacies, I shook my head in agreement and agreed with Ankur's perspective.

I observed after seeing Ankur talk, "You talk incredibly well; you should have become a poet rather than a doctor."

He couldn't stop laughing after hearing my words.

"Riya, you are pretty straightforward," he replied.

"I'm extremely sorry, Ankur, if listening to me makes you feel bad," I said cautiously.

No, it's not like that at all, "he said, but I'm delighted to hear from you. You discussed your ideas about me with me rather than with anyone else."

Thank you, doctor, I mean Ankur, I'm leaving now.

"I need to take a painkiller," I commented as I rose from the chair.

"See you soon, take care," Ankur said as he stood from his seat.

Due to leg pain, I had to sit back down as soon as I stood up from my chair and prepared to move.

"What happened? Are you all right?" Ankur questioned my whereabouts.

I said, striving to mask the misery on my face.

"No, I assume my leg pain has gotten worse because I didn't take the painkiller in the morning," I replied.

"You hold my hand, and I'll lead you to your room," Ankur stated, stretching out his hand to me.

I hesitated at first when I saw Ankur's outstretched hand, but when I had no other alternative, I handed my hand to him.

Ankur supported one of my hands on his shoulder and began slowly walking with me from the restaurant to the room.

Once in the hotel room, he placed me on the bed.He took the painkiller from the table at the foot of the bed and offered it to me. Then he took the ointment and walked up to my feet.

"I will manage Ankur. Please fetch back the ointment, "I murmured, attempting to stop him.

"No problem, Riya; don't be afraid; it's all part of my profession," Ankur replied, tenderly massaging the ointment on my feet.

I agreed with you, but you just claimed you were here on vacation, "I contradicted his argument.

"Riya is in discussion with you. No one can win. I'm no match for your wit, "he laughed.

"Did I say things incorrectly?" I inquired, glancing at him.

"No, Riya, why are you so hesitant to talk to me?" Ankur inquired, observing my bewildered appearance.

To be honest, based on your demeanor, I don't feel like we're meeting for the first or second time.

"Your nature is superb, much like Rachit's," I whispered.

"No, Riya, I am not of such a friendly nature. I spare a lot of time on these things, although I don't know why.

After meeting you, I thought we could be wonderful friends, "Ankur replied, as he stretched a heated bandage over my foot.

"Why so? Have you noticed anything exceptional about me? I inquired, staring at him.

Don't think I'm flirting with you at all, but don't know why meeting you made me feel you and I were on the same boat, "Ankur stated while attempting to clear up my confusion.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you mean," I asked, puzzledly staring at him.

He observed solemnly, "Okay, leave it at that. All I want to say is, if it challenges you in life, feel alone, or want to share your sentiments, I am always ready to help you.

Strangers often give expert advice, since they don't judge us.

"Ankur, are you all right?"

"Your remarks make me assume you're upset," I pondered after hearing his words.

"No, Riya, I'm not feeling well, but I don't want to worry you any further by sharing my troubles with you.

"You are my patient right now, but I assure you I will share all of my life experiences with you and will not let you make the same mistakes that I have made in my life.

After all, we're both on the same boat, "he added," in response to my question.

"Ankur, please tell me straight away what you want to say." I enquired after hearing Ankur's riddle.

Sorry, Riya, I didn't intend to stress you out; please just relax now and take my number; you can contact me whenever you want and don't tell me you already have my number; I know you don't, "he added again, handing me his business card.

I extended my hand, holding the visitor's card. It filled my eyes with inquiries.

Before I could ask him a question, he said, "Wait till the proper time." I will tell you everything, and then he exited from my room, leaving me in the circle of questions.

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