I had already closed my eyes for fear of falling, but I immediately opened them when I felt a circle of muscular arms around my waist.

I shifted my gaze to the other side and looked at him. My lips were practically in contact with his brow. As his stare concentrated on mine, I blushed and bent my head.

"Are you all right, Riya?" He asked, his gaze fixed on my face.

His breath contacted my face.

My body experienced the same tingling sensation once more.

"Thank you," I replied, as I battled to get back to my feet.

He responded by taking my hand in his and pointing to my seat.

I sat in my seat silently, not looking at him.

I charged the phone and began responding to the WhatsApp messages.

Looking out the window was pointless because it was still dark outside.

I have shared so many embarrassing moments in front of him since last night that I no longer wanted to talk to him because of the embarrassment.

On his phone, he was also scrolling through his Facebook feed.

He also didn't disturb me because he knew I attempted to avoid him whenever I came close to him.

My phone then rang with Harsh's call.

Harsh mumbled sleepily, "Hello, good morning, Riya."

"Hello, how did you get up so early today?" I questioned Harsh.

"I couldn't sleep without you," Harsh remarked, his voice husky.

"However, you claimed that sleeping alone on the entire bed is something else," I mocked him.

Harsh expressed regret and apologized. "I genuinely miss you."

"Have you checked into your hotel yet?" Harsh enquired further.

"No, it'll take approximately an hour longer," I responded, estimating the time by looking at my wristwatch.

Harsh responded, "Okay when you arrive at the hotel, call me. Bye. Love you."

Before hanging up the phone, I said, "I love you too. Bye."

Rachit's envious gaze was fixated on me, and I was aware of it.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked, my gaze falling on his.

As he stood from his seat and approached the driver's seat, he screamed aggressively, "Nothing!"

I shifted my gaze away from him and gazed out the window.

The darkness outside had vanished, and it was now daytime.

The sight of snow on the mountains made me ecstatic.

The bus had arrived at the hotel, but Rachit was nowhere to be found. Since he got up from his seat, I hadn't seen him.

His absence bothered me.

Everyone went to their designated room after stepping off the bus.

Because of the loss of a family member, Mrs. Gupta, who shared a room with me, had to cancel her vacation.

There were already two people in each room. I'll have to spend the night in my room alone. It's not that three people couldn't share a room, but I didn't want to disturb anyone's personal space.

The hotel rooms were already full, and my room was on a separate floor from the rest of the group.

People travel from all around the world to see the snowfall, so the hotel rooms were already full.

"Why is it's always me?"

"Why do you have to pay such close attention to me all the time?" I remembered God again as I opened the entrance to the room.

"Hello, Harsh. I've arrived at the hotel, but there's one problem: I'll be alone in my room, and you know how much I dislike being alone. I heard there are also many ghosts and spirits in the hotel rooms, "I stated in a frightened tone, surveying my room from every angle.

"Riya, you are not a child who could not live alone; you are an adult and imagine how many people will mock you if they learn that Riya, the boss, is terrified of ghosts."

Harsh tried to cheer me up with his comments.

With a shake of my head, I said, "You're right."

He made fun of me. "Anyway, the ghost who will appear to frighten you is not insane."

"Harsh, please stop talking."

As I hung up the phone, I said, "Please don't contact me again; I hate you."

While saying this on-call, as I closed my hotel room's door.

Unfulfilled DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now