She cut the vegetables without being interrupted.

She couldn't help but notice my passionate mood.

"What do you want?" she mumbled as she turned to face me and placed her arms around my shoulder.

Did you forget you promised in the morning that you would spend all of your time after shopping with me? I asked, looking her in the eyes.

"I remember, but please let me cook for about 30 minutes." She tries to explain to me, "Please wait for me."

I begged, "No, you don't have to do anything; just come along with me and act like a kid.

She inquired about me, " I adore cooking for you; do you dislike my home-cooked meals?"

"Of course, I like it a lot," I said, pouting, "but I want to sit with you and speak a lot."

"I know precisely what you have to do with me," she said, a malicious smirk on her face as she pushed me towards the bedroom.

"All right," I said, pretending to be near her, "I'll help you in the kitchen."

"You won't help me, but you will bother me," she said as she shut the door to her chamber from the outside.

As I tried to unlock the bedroom door, I exclaimed, "It's not right, Riya, you're cheating on me."

With a smile, she remarked, "In love and battle, everything is fair."

"If you don't open the door, I'll become angry," I warned.

"Please, Harsh, let me finish the kitchen job as quickly as possible; I will undoubtedly stay with you again and do no work," she tries to explain.

"All right, I'll be ready for you soon," I answered, realizing her point.

In the kitchen, she was rushing through dinner preparations.

I lay in bed, lost in her thoughts.

Riya is obstinate and irritable, but when she is persuaded by love, she transforms into a normal person.

Riya did a lot of shopping today, but Riya bought only clothes of my choice.

People think Riya forces me to go shopping, but in reality, she has never let me pay for her purchases.

I was in charge of the entire shopping experience.

She paid the bill while I continued to select each piece of clothing.

Is she that confident in my choices? Isn't it true that she can't choose her outfit?

Of course, she is free to choose her outfit.

Perhaps she has more faith in me than in herself.

Then, on her phone, a message appeared, and I snapped out of my reverie to pick up the phone and read the message.

"Riya, are you still mad at me?"

After seeing Rachit's message, I became enraged.

I said nothing when I hung up the phone.

"Rachit is a lovely guy by nature, but I'm not sure why I have the impression he's developing feelings for Riya."

I have the impression that Riya is being stolen from me.

Rachit must be worried about her based on the way he continues looking at her.

Riya's actions impact Rachit.

Is it conceivable that I'm reacting too strongly?

I'm not sure if I'm being unduly protective, but I've never had this feeling about Ashish before.

Rachit has a really friendly demeanor, which Riya must have found appealing.

Riya can seduce anyone at first glimpse. Riya isn't conscious of her beauty, which is another thing.

I had a pleased grin on my face since I was thinking about her.

Should I ask her to keep her distance from Rachit?

But what if she takes this to a new level and begins saying things like "I have doubts"?

Riya should not see this as a limitation, but I'll have to discuss it with her.

Riya will have to be cautious in every scenario since I know well that emotional outbursts regularly cause her to refuse to accept practical matters.

I need to explain to her that no matter how angry she gets with me or accuses me of something, I will never abandon her.

She stated as she opened the bedroom door, "Harsh, dinner is ready."

I said, "All right," bursting the thought bubbles.

While having dinner, it lost me in thought.

She came over to me and asked, "So, what happened? What have you been thinking about lately?"

Riya, I'd like to talk with you about something important," I said, setting the plate down in the sink.

"Can you tell me what happened and if there's a significant problem?" Riya, perplexed by my solemn mood, asked in a worried tone.

I said, "Yes."

Her voice trembled as she urged.

I grabbed her hand in mine and sat facing her in a chair near the dining table.

Riya, pay attention to what I'm saying and remember that all I want is for you to be happy.

"Yes," she said, perplexed, "but tell me what's the matter?"

Riya, you need to keep your distance from Rachit. He is a good boy, without a doubt, but I believe he likes you, "I replied, letting her know what I was thinking.

When she heard my remarks, her face flushed.

How can you think in such a low manner?

Do you have any doubts? "She asked, her inquiring gaze locked on me.

I don't doubt you; I'm a boy myself, and I'm confident Rachit likes you. Have I ever told you to keep your distance from Ashish?

No, because I know he simply sees you as a great friend, and I know you can never betray me, but you have a hard time trusting others.

I'm not just your boyfriend, but also your best friend, Riya.

I'm explaining to you as a friend that I've established no boundaries with you, but I'm not sure why I'm terrified of losing you this time, I added, my tone stern and concerned.

"How did you learn so much about Rachit in such a small encounter?" It took aback her when she heard my words.

"You praise my ability to analyze people, yet you're asking me this question, Riya," I retorted.

"In what thought did you drown?" Looking at her, I enquired.

In response to my statements, she remarked, "I think you're right."

Don't worry, I'll get away from Rachit, and no, you won't be relieved by me that easily.

With her fists clamped over my face, she replied with a smile.

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