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Third person.

Days of living miles apart in two different countries turned into a week.

Then weeks turned into months,

And months... turned into three years later.

Three years later, Han Aera and Lee Heeseung who were once in love, lost their connection and moved on.

It's summer again.

Walking in some boulevard in her city, Aera's on her way to somewhere she no longer visits frequently. The library. She doesn't work there anymore, and with her life as a twenty-three-year-old adult who's in the middle of looking for a higher job, she couldn't find time to visit the library these days.

It's been a while since she heard the creaking sound of the glass door when it opens for people. The interior has still been the same, with the same old tables and shelves, and even the beige-colored desk she used to always be at.

Aera goes to a book aisle where the top trending novels are at. She lingers her fingers through the titles until she finally takes interest in one. She's one to judge actual books by their covers, and this doesn't seem so bad. The title and synopsis on the back cover are intriguing, and she figures she could have a read of it whenever. Finding something from the library isn't exactly what she had in mind when she planned to come in, but now she has one.

"Hello." She greets the girl behind the desk who has taken her position after her, and she looks similar to Aera when she started working as an assistant. Receiving the same greeting back, she waits for the book to get scanned while wandering her gaze around the place.

When she shifts her eyes focused back toward the book on the desk as she is told to wait for a minute, she fails to notice a person coming in.

"Thank you so much." Aera says one last thing before veering around to leave the place. An iced drink would be nice to have right now.

She goes back to scanning every inch of the book cover, puckering her lips lightly. Her fingers tries their best not to flip onto a random page so she wouldn't get spoiled with even just a word. She's nearly at the door, thus her hand's about to reach the handle until an utterance from someone who spoke behind her makes her halt.

"Hey, sorry, you dropped your wallet."

By the gentle masculine voice, she turns around to face a guy who has sharp features with a smile and black eyes looking directly at her. He's lowered one knee on the ground, grabbing her wallet before getting up again and handing Aera what's hers.

Aera has been cluelessly staring at him until he tilted his head and a low "hm?" brought her back to the real world. Hastily, she takes her wallet.

"It's... it's you, again." She starts. And he lets out an even bigger smile because she remembers him.

"And it's you again. Hi, I haven't seen you for a long time." The guy softly chuckles.

"I had barely seen you before nonetheless, except during some weekends here in this library." Aera says candidly. The guy nods without assertion.

"That's true. We never had a proper conversation, I guess other than those small exchanges of words at the front desk when I return the books I borrowed and then get new ones." He says, stretching out a line with his lips.

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