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Third person.

Do you ever wonder what love at first sight is? Han Aera does. Sure, she's seen it happen in romantic novels or movies, but in real life? Is it possible to love someone at first glance? Aera doesn't think so. But it does sound lovely. For someone in college who hasn't been in any relationships yet, Aera is willing to love someone even if it starts as love at first sight. 

"Aera, get up! You have to go to the grocery store, remember?"

Aera was shaken off from her thoughts when someone was pulling her up. She failed to make them forget that it was her turn on the grocery duty, unfortunately.

Being a college student, she lives in a dorm with two other girls. It was nice to say that they all got along with each other, but Aera, as the youngest of the three, hates them for being naggy and strict when it comes to duties. Chores to be exact.

"Can't Jiwoo do it instead? I just finished my classes." Aera protested, laying on her stomach on her bed.

"Yah, can't you see I'm busy? Why don't you do this instead, hm?" Jiwoo responded, telling her to look at her messy state: messy hair and messy papers all over her desk with her laptop.

"Do it, Aera, now. It won't take you thirty minutes to walk to the grocery store." Miyoung said, sternly looking at her.

"Fine, fine." A grumble came out of Aera's mouth as she left her bed, leaving her with no choice.


Pushing the shopping cart out of the last aisle, she checks the list on her phone to see what she had missed. Once she got everything, she made her way to the cashier. Aera was more than ready to go home but seeing the long queues at every counter, she realized one thing.

It's Saturday. Grocery day for literally almost everyone.

Aera stood in line, grabbing a pack of gum from the mini aisle beside her. She leaned her elbows on the cart while continuously tapping her fingers on it, hoping her patience to wait a little longer. The kid on the next counter seems to be having none of it, throwing a tantrum for everyone to see. Aera discreetly snickered and looked away, thinking she'd probably done the same if she was him.

It was her turn, at last. She quickly placed the items on the counter as the cashier began to scan them. Putting the cart aside when it was empty, her eyes laid upon the cashier guy.

And then, the whole world stopped.

Maybe she shouldn't have looked up and rather kept her eyes to herself because oh boy, standing in front of her was the most handsome man she has ever met.

A tall man with doe eyes, a pointy nose, and black hair parted sideways that exposed a bit of his forehead. The red-colored uniform that Aera always felt bad for the workers for having to wear as part of their job is looking good for once with him pulling it off. Just, oh my God.

'How on earth can a boy working as a cashier be insanely attractive?' She might be exaggerating, but she swears she has never seen someone this good-looking in her life.

Aera was not even hiding the fact that she has been staring at him the whole time. Too much that even he knew, making him scoff.

"Ma'am, are you gonna pay now, or are you still busy staring?" Oh my God, even his voice sounds so- wait, what did he say?

"Oh- I- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" Hearing his chuckle made Aera close her mouth to prevent further stammering of her words. She began to blush, getting flustered just by his short glance.

"It's alright. Um, cash or card?" He asked.

"C-cash." Aera said before taking out the amount of money from her wallet.

"Right." He grabbed the money and gave her the change.

Aera stuffed everything in the bags, stopping herself from looking at the guy who starts helping her.

"Thank you." She muttered as she held her groceries. She looked at him one last time, taking a step back as she was about turn away.

"Have a good night, pretty."

Five words made her halt, the last word catching her off guard. She turns back to look at him with wide eyes. It was not what Aera was expecting to hear from him.

Their eyes locked momentarily as he flashed her smile, which also look like a smirk, to be honest. Aera's heartbeat was racing rapidly, unable to move for a second. When she did, she looked away and immediately made her way out of the store.

Heeseung chuckles as he watched her leave. He looked at the next customer, then darted to see how many more he has waiting in line. His smile falters, it's taking forever.


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