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Third person.

Aera has woken up, but her eyes are still closed. A crease forms on her forehead feeling a throbbing headache preventing her to move her head the slightest bit. She forces herself to open her sight, and when the dim room becomes clearer to her vision, she jolts fully awake.

This is not her room.

She groans at the pain that she forgot momentarily when she sits up on the bed. She shuts her eyes and tries to massage her forehead to reduce the uncomfortable pain.

There is only one thing that she knows she did last night, and that was drinking too much to the point where she doesn't remember anything else (nothing apart from the face of Heeseung). Here she is, facing the consequences of a hangover.

She recognized the bedroom straight away because of the dark walls and the frame of seven boys on the nightstand. However, she only freaks her more as she can't recall how she ended up here.

Her coat's resting on a chair and her shoes are right next to the door. She's still wearing the same clothes she left her house with. Her phone's surprisingly charging on the nightstand and beside it is her purse.

Aera wants to get up and move properly, but she can't even touch her phone thanks to the discomfort of her unbearable headache. She grips her hair and rested her back against the bed frame.

If this is Heeseung's bedroom, his house, then where is Heeseung himself?

Her question is answered when the door unlocks itself and opens, revealing Heeseung in his white t-shirt and black sweatpants, his hair looks disheveled like he had just woken up as well. He's holding a tray and seems shocked to discover that Aera's already up.

"Have you been up for long?" Heeseung asks, his morning voice sounding different from his usual.

"Not really." Aera inaudibly answers.

"I was gonna wake up you so you can eat and take some painkillers. Your head must be hurting?" Heeseung assumes from how she's massaging her forehead. He sets aside the things on his nightstand to put the tray down.

Aera nods, pouting. It doesn't always happen when she pouts, but she's been doing it frequently since last night. Heeseung thinks she's acting like a baby. But it's okay, it's adorable.

"It's eight in the morning. I, um, made soup which I don't know if you'll like since I only followed a recipe online." Heeseung states sheepishly.

"I feel sick." Aera grudges, implying that she has no appetite to eat.

"No choice, pretty, eat up a few spoons and then the painkillers to make you better." Heeseung handed the spoon and bowl of soup to her carefully.

With all Aera's remaining strength, she holds the bowl and mixes the soup, gulping as her stomach churns up in not a good way. Really, she'd love to eat it as the delicious smell is going through her nostrils, but her brain is saying otherwise. It's all in the head.

She forcefully pushed the spoon into her mouth, hissing quietly because it was hot.

"Too hot?" Heeseung asks.

"It's fine." Aera tells him while stirring it.

"I know I might've done something embarrassing last night but I seriously don't remember anything. Was I too wasted? How did I even end up here? How'd you find me?" Aera blabbers as questions start to get into her head.

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