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Third person.

Sitting in the trunk of Heeseung's car and stargazing, they found the answer as to why the night was ravishing. They got off the bar minutes ago, disjoining from the noise inside to have the quietness of the evening to themselves instead. The car was parked at an open space behind the bar, alongside a couple of cars positioned a few meters away from theirs. Other than that, it was just the two who were here, and they like having it that way.

"I could be driving you to somewhere better right now, but I got some friends inside that need a lift home later." Heeseung says and sips from the bottle of soju, earning a laugh from Aera.

"Are you kidding? This is perfect enough. Look, the stars are here to entertain us." Aera pointed her finger to the sky.

"Huh, I guess they are." Heeseung mutters.

"You guys were great back there, by the way. I seriously didn't expect to see you sing tonight." Aera could've already said that first thing first a while ago, but it's somewhat of a good discussion to open up while they're at it.

"Thanks, pretty. I didn't think I'd see you here out of all places. I should've invited you, but I didn't think about that until the last minute I was told that we were allowed to." Heeseung sought.

"To be fair, when you told me the date of your gig during the call, it kind of slipped out of my senses five minutes later. Therefore, even though my friend spent almost half an hour getting me ready and we could have almost missed your performance, I don't regret going here tonight, because I saw you." Aera responded, wishing to withdraw her last statement when she heard herself.

"You're making me blush, pretty." Heeseung smirks.

"No, no, what I mean was that because I saw you perform in front of people! The songs were thrilling and your friends were amazing too. Heeseung- y-you know what I mean!" Aera bashfully looks away due to him giving her a smug look.

"Yeah, I do." Heeseung slowly nodded, biting his bottom lip to suppress a smile.

Aera drank from her bottle, wiping the corner of her mouth. She leans back and lifts her head to look again at the atmosphere. The cold was causing her to rub her legs for warmth, as much as she didn't wanna show that she was troubled by it. Heeseung grabs something next to him and hands it to her, a blanket. The latter places it on her lap, covering down the rest of her legs.

"Damn it, I ran out." Heeseung tsked at his drink, a small but visible pout seen by Aera.

"Want more?" As a response, Aera boldly offers hers which was still half full. Heeseung darted his eyes at the bottle and looks at her skeptically.

"I can't finish it anymore." She enunciates nonchalantly.

Heeseung takes it into his hand and drinks without his lips touching the surface. Aera stares mindlessly and captures his side feature that looks as perfect as the way he is in everything. In all honesty, Heeseung turns out to be more handsome than she thought he was the first time she met him at the grocery store.

'Quit staring, Aera. You're gonna creep him out.' Her inner thought admonished her. She discarded her gaze and with a flushed face.

"You don't think your friends are looking for you inside?" Aera asks.

"I do, and I know they're starting to think I left them." Heeseung quipped like he couldn't care less.

"Do you wanna go back in?" He asks back.

"Not yet." Aera replies, shaking her head.

"Let's just stay here a bit longer then." Heeseung utters as Aera hums in agreement.

They were hushed again by their unspoken thoughts. Aera tries to push away the tension she was starting to feel for no reason, but there was nothing else she dares to say to keep the exchange of words back on. She indulges in the tranquility instead and counts how many vehicles are there to distract herself.

But how can she do it without getting distracted when she swears that in her peripheral vision, Heeseung's staring at her so deeply, almost as if he was staring right into her soul?

With all her guts, she swifts her head and stares back. It must be the amount of liquor that's kicking in, because why is she suddenly feeling nervous? Although it's cold, why does she feel heated all of a sudden after seeing how quickly his eyes fled to her lips in a split second?

They were both aware that they were having the same thought, and if neither of them chooses to back out, the other won't hold back anymore.

And, mayhaps, Aera does want him not to hold back. Perhaps she was just waiting for him to make the move because the second Heeseung leans forward and tilts his head to capture her lips, fireworks erupted inside of her.

Aera was too shocked to reciprocate the kiss. As Heeseung finally realizes what he's doing, he opened his eyes wide and pulled away in a flash, guiltily looking at Aera like it just hit him. 

"Fuck. I'm sorry, I- hmph!"

Turns out, there was no need for him to panic and regret his impulsiveness because Aera grabs him by the collar of his shirt and pulls him for another kiss. This time, she initiated a deeper one.

Just like that, they didn't care anymore. Aera's hands travel to his nape and tilt her head for better access when Heeseung pulls her closer by grabbing her waist to deepen the kiss (if that was even possible at this point). Their lips move in perfect sync with Heeseung guiding her.

Heeseung smiles between their kisses as Aera lets him taste the alcohol inside her mouth. There's something in Heeseung's kiss that she has never felt with the guys she kissed before. With Heeseung, it's more addicting.

The first to pull away had to catch their breath. Aera breathes heavily and opened her eyes hesitantly only to meet Heeseung's face in a very close gap to hers, his dark orbs staring back at her.

"We didn't just-" Aera cuts herself off.

"I... think we did." Heeseung answers and nods.

They stupidly giggled at each other as Aera looks away shyly, detaching herself from him. She tucks strands of her hair behind her ear as Heeseung begins to show interest in the top of his trunk.

"You wanna go back in?" Heeseung asks again.

"Yeah." Aera nods and got up. She quickly folds the blanket and put it down nicely.

Trying to avoid the fact that they just kissed at the back of his car, they went inside the bar which was still the same as when they left. Aera searches for Jiwoo, who wasn't at the bar stand anymore. She dials her phone while Heeseung stands beside her, his head looking around to see if his friends are hasn't gone yet.

"Aera! You dumb head! Where did you-" Jiwoo shows up behind her. Aera turns around to see a panicked Jiwoo.

"Ji! Sorry, I forgot to text you." Aera pressed her lips together as she briefly apologized, aware that Jiwoo was pissed.

"I was with Heeseung... a friend." She explained further but not elaborately, causing Jiwoo to look at him with a stern impression.


"Nice to meet you, Heeseung. Your band was great. Aera, honey, we gotta go. Miyoung's home and there's a chance that we're dead to her." Jiwoo smiles forcefully at him and speed-talks. She then pulls Aera's arm and drags her away.

Heeseung watches as they go. He sighs and shuts his eyes tightly to all the events in just one night. He decided to get back to the table where his friends were drunk, attacking him with expected questions and missed stories. He shrugs them off and attempts to follow on with whatever they were discussing.

He touches his lips momentarily as he replays the scenario inside his head.

Man's down bad.


Sooo... that's that

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