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Third person.

A black Hyundai Elantra puts the brakes on when it enters a neighborhood it hasn't gone into before. Just as Aera told her despite Heeseung asking her twice last night as to why can't just pick her up directly outside their gate, he pulls his car two houses away from what he guessed might be Aera's house.

Heeseung gets off the car once he sees Aera walking. She has two bags with her, one is her dear handbag that always completes her day-to-day look, and a white duffel bag, which doesn't have a lot of things inside except for what they might need as they're gonna be in quite a travel.

"Morning." Aera greets him. She positions her duffel bag in the back seat as Heeseung opens it for her.

"Good morning, pretty. Slept well?" Heeseung says.

"It was alright. Have you eaten breakfast?" Aera asks.

"I had coffee. And you?" Heeseung answers honestly and asks back. Aera chuckles lightly.

"Yes, I did. You're not hungry? Then, let's go?" Aera asks, and when Heeseung mutters a no to her slightly concerned question for he will be the one to drive, she hops into the passenger seat.

"Alright." Heeseung gets back to the driver's seat, set to begin their road trip.

It's seven am in the morning, and they plan to make the most of their whole day. Driving out of the city only takes about two hours to reach the place they want to go to.

They should be fine, as long as they have money, a car, whatever they have in their bags, and well- each other. Heeseung just wants to get Aera home safe and fair.

Some boring old music plays on the radio. Not aiming for their supposedly eventful trip to be tedious, Heeseung takes out his phone and opens it from the lock screen, giving it to Aera.

"Play any of my playlists you like, or search up something else, I don't mind. You can connect your phone instead if you want." Heeseung tells her, waving his phone to her face. Aera grins and takes it, scrolling down through a ton of his playlists.

"You have great taste in music, I must say." Aera compliments. Even his music taste describes his whole persona.

"Thank you, I know." Heeseung cheekily replies.

Eventually finding one that matches the moment, Aers turns the volume up as the song blasts from the stereo. Rolling down the windows to let in the summer breeze.


They've stopped by a pull-in. While Heeseung orders their food inside, Aera told him she'll wait outside to have a look at the scenic view of the bay right across the road. The fluttering of the wind makes her hair wave to the side, bothering her face. A hand offers her the crêpe she's been waiting for, and right beside her stands Heeseung.

"Let's go there." Heeseung tells her, pertaining to the bay as he had observed through the glass wall from when he was taking their orders that Aera hasn't moved her head away from staring.

Aera thinks Heeseung read her mind. She nods as they then crossed the road to get to the bay walk, leaving the car for a bit to stroll near the water and enjoy the sun.

"It's nice here, isn't it? I wonder why there aren't many people around here right now. I'd be here all day if I could." Aera says, looking around to see nobody else but themselves.

"More people might come later on. For now, at least it seems that we have this to ourselves." Heeseung chuckles, taking another bite of his food.

"Do you have your camera?" Aera asks, to which Heeseung shakes his head.

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