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Scar's Pov

I felt Grian's grip tightened, and I glanced down, putting my anger aside for a moment. His eyes was shutting close slowly, and his chest fell and rose quite quickly as he started crying into my chest.

I hated seeing him like that. The tears spilling nonstop from his eyes, unable to even move a mascle from what seemed like fear. "He's overreacting." Carson said, and my grip tightened on Grian as I felt rage burning inside me.

"Overreacting'? Are you serious...?" I glared at him. "Come on, Scar. We're best buddies. We can share stuff. You can't be mad at me for that." He said, crossing his arms. "Share stuff'!? Do you think he's an object I can just land you!?"

I was so confused, angry and worried at the same time. I didn't understand what he was thinking to himself. I know him for a long time now. People can change so much in a year.

The parrots grip loosened, catching my attention. His all body weight was on me, and when I noticed he was about to fall back I pulled him, lifting him back up. His head fell back, and my eyes widened slightly and filled with worry as I saw that his eyes were close.

Did he pass out? "T-that's a symptom, don't worry. I think it's normal for someone to pass out through out the day when they've been uh... Drugged." He said.

I saw red as I crouched, laying Grian down on the floor carefully, his wings falling on him gently, making a good use as some kind of a cover. "Listen to every word I say carefully," I started, standing back up.

I made eye contact with him, and he looked taken a back a bit when he saw my gaze. "I'm gonna say it slow and steady so your messed up brain could understand. Never, and I mean never, speak to me again. If I'll ever see you put even one of your dirty fingers on my, I'm gonna repeat it again, my boyfriend I'm gonna snap your neck open and hang you up on a tree myself."

He visibly gulped as I looked him dead in the eyes, meaning every single fucking word. "Get out of here before I'll literally punch you to death." I said. I was already prepared to do that, my fists were already clenched and I would've done it if he hadn't ran out of the house right after I said that.

I sighed, holding my face with one of my hands, anger slowly replacing with concern again. For how long did that happen right under my nose? Why didn't I notice it??

Grian's Pov

A touch on my hand woke me. I tried opening my eyes, but they fept really heavy. After a few tries I squinted my eyes open, blinking a few times before my vision focused on Scar.

I was lying on the couch, my head leaning on the armrest and my legs on Scar's laps. He was typing something on his phone while touching my leg gently.

"Scar?" I mumbled, and he instantly turned to me. "Grian." He replied, placing his phone on the coffee table as I slowly sat up. "What happened?" I asked, "Where's Carson?"

"He's not here. And he will never bother you again." Scar responded, half smiling at me. I stayed silent. I felt guilty. "Grian, could you tell me when all of this began? From the start, what happened between you and Carson?" He questioned.

I hesitated, but started explaning. Every single thing, every little detail. By the end of it, I glanced away. Silence. I looked back at him, his eyes were glossy, like he was holding back tears, and my heart ached.

"P-please, if something ever happens to you I wanna know. Don't keep it a secret like that, you could've really gotten hurt." He said. "I can't... Can't promise that, Scar. I won't tell you stuff that will hurt you." I replied, and his eyes saddened.

"Stuff like losing a few friends don't bother me if it's for your safety. I don't care getting hurt."

"But I do care. I don't wanna see you hurt!"

"And I don't wanna see you hurt! But that's exactly what's you're doing by keeping stuff from me! I need to know things like that, Grian!!" Scar replied, raising his voice. I frowned.

"I'm not gonna get you involved in situations I know will make you feel bad. I've seen your gaze, you looked betrayed! If I would've just kept it to myself you'd still have your best friend."

"He was never my friend if he did all of this things to you! Anyone who hurt you in any way would never be friended by me!"

We both went quiet again, staring at each other's glaring gazes. I blinked, glancing away. I sighed and stood up, walking toward the door. "I'm going for a walk." I mumbled, not looking back at him as I opened the door.

"Be back before it's too dark..." I heard him ramble, and my expression softened slightly. I didn't reply, just walked out and closed the door behind me as I started walking.

I just want to keep him safe, and he just wanna keep me safe. We both have the same exact intentions. How did it end up in a fight? How did I mess up so bad? He's right. I should've told him way before. I could've stopped it.

I always had this problem with telling Scar stuff. I always keep stuff away from him. And it always hurts him more knowing that I didn't tell him. Yet I keep doing it. I keep hurting Scar myself.

I sighed angrily, kicking a random rock. I really just want to protect him. I wish I could just stand there like a shield. He's to valuable to just let the world rott.

I know I'm hurting him! Why does it matter if I get hurt in the process?? I almost lost him many times, I don't care risking myself, why does he have to care!? I stopped walking and stared at the floor with rage, feeling my breathing speed up.

I clenched my fists, feeling my eyes get fucking watery again. I turned slightly and punched the tree beside me. I blinked, watching a few pieces of wood falling from it's log.

I gulped, holding my head in my hands. I'm asking stupid questions. Of course he cares. It's Scar. He always care too much about stuff that don't matter. About people who aren't matter.

I crouched, wiping my tears. Why the fuck can't I be emotionless!? Why do I cry from such stupid things!? I grabbed the rock I was kicking around and threw it away.

Suddenly, I noticed it was already dark outside. I looked around me, not remembering which way I came from or recognizing the place. I sat down, sighing.

I got lost. What a wonderful day. I felt my hand burning, and when I glanced at it I saw that it was bleeding. Great. I frowned, covering my fist with my other hand as I pressed my knees against my chest, pulling my wings closer to me.


Sorry for disappearing for a while, I'm really busy lately so the only time I had to write recently was at night-

Also sorry if it's a bit weird, I don't write well when I'm tired and I haven't slept for almost two days straight (sorry, Mint-), please don't learn from me it's really unhealthy,

hopefully you still enjoyed this chapter!

a Scarian Fanfic: The Parrot Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now