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Scar's Pov

My eyes flattered open as I woke up, gazing at the ceiling until my eyes fell on Jellie, who was sleeping peacefully on my chest. I smiled, stroking her gently. I turned my head slightly, and my smile grew seeing the blonde sleeping beside me.

I picked up Jellie and placed her between me and Grian, then rolled over and laid on my side. I reached out my hand to his face and pushed a lock of his hair behind his ear gently.

I watched his stomach rise and fall, feeling blush creeping into my cheeks. I was about to pull him closer to me, wanting to hug him, but Carson bardged into my room, causing me to flinch.


"Shh," I shushed him. "Grian's sleeping." I whispered, glancing back at him. "Oh " he mumbled, looking between us. "Well, come on, let's go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed. "Where?" I questioned, tilting my head.

"To eat breakfast." He replied. "What about Grian?" I asked, pulling my hand back to stop him dragging me out. "I don't eat breakfasts, Scar, I told you this so many times." I heard Grian giggling, then I turned to him, watching him sitting up tiredly.

He smiled at me. "But-" I started saying, but got cut off by Carson, who dragged me out. I didn't wanted to leave Grian, he did come all the way here to be with me.

Carson made me feel better when he said he'll be taking me to the local cafe I loved. There is one cafe in this town, and my greatest memories is with Carson and Grace from there.

Grian's Pov

I opened the front door, but stopped before going out, hearing Jellie meowed. I turned around and looked down at her. "What is it?" I tilted my head, watching her tail wave from side to side slowly.

She got up and rushed to the kitchen, grabbing something. She came back with the same basket Scar's mother brought the mushrooms in yesterday. She placed the basket down and meowed again.

I gave her a confused gaze, but picked up the basket. She jumped over my legs and took a few steps before stopping, looking back at me. "I guess you're coming with me." I sighed, quickly following the cat who was leaping across the forest.

"Jellie, we shouldn't get out of the sight of the house, I don't know the way around here." I said, and she looked at me again, but kept going. "Jellie!" I called before I stopped walking.

I glanced back at the house, then back at Jellie who just leaped over a bush, getting slowly out of view. I sighed, quickly running after Jellie. We kept walking around for a few minutes, until Jellie stopped.

"Strawberries?" I questioned, watching as Jellie turned to me. She meowed as I placed the basket down. She started picking the strawberries, throwing them into the basket. I gave her a confused gaze. I've never seen a cat taking strawberries before.

I sighed, watching the cat picking up the strawberries with her mouth and letting them go above the basket with a smile, then my gaze rose, and my smile faded.

I walked over the bush and Jellie and stared at the burt house in front of me. "What happened here...?" I questioned. My question was to Jellie, so I didn't wait for a response, but I got one.

"Our old house." I flinched, then turned to my left, looking up at Scar's mother. She glanced at me. "What happened?" I asked. "Scar burt down the house." She responded, and my face frowned.

"Did he ever tell you how he got his scars? From the fire he started himself. He wanted to get out so badly after he sneaked out; 'They can't keep me indoors if there's no indoors', that's what he probably thought." She crossed her arms.

"But he got caught in the fire himself and gotten himself hurt. I'd call it karma. T-"

"Karma?" I cut her off, giving her a slight glare. "What did he do to deserve these scars?? He was miserable, he just wanted out, but you wouldn't let him!" I half yelled.

"Well if were being honest he was born with one of his scars, a mistake on of the doctors made, that's actually why I named him Sca-" She paused, noticing my hard gaze.

"Right. It doesn't matter, is it? Well he still burt down the house! It didn't take that long to build a new house, it helps that my ex husband is an -, but we didn't have running water for weeks!" She said. She was starting to get mad too.

"Don't you realize what you did was wrong??" I questioned. "Well, Scar's father realized it first, so when I suggested we lock him in again he refused, that's why he divorced me. I realized it was wrong only half a year ago. I'm not good at feelings, but at least I let him out. It's a start." She shrugged.

She gazed at me, looking at me up and down as I sighed, touching the burt wood. "Nice wings." She said, and I glanced back at her. "Thanks." I mumbled, turning to my fingers. They got black from the wood.

"Scar's father doesn't like you, does he?" She asked, and I turned to her. I didn't say a word, but my wings spread slightly. She grinned. "The downside of wings is that you can see most of your feelings right through them." She said.

I looked away, not wanting to continue with the conversation. I heard a meow, then looked down and noticed Jellie sitting next to my feet, holding onto the basket handle in her mouth, a few strawberries falling out of the basket since she was dragging it to her.

I bent down and picked up the strawberries that fell out, putting them back inside quickly. I grabbed the handle basket out of her mouth and picked Jellie up, starting to walk away from the unpleasant woman.

"I love you so much." I whispered, pecking Jellie's head. She meowed in respond, waving her tail around. "You don't happen to know the way home do you?" I asked, looking around and not recognizing where we are.

She didn't respond, just jumped out of my arms, starting to walk another way. I smiled, walking after the wise cat.

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