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June 20th
Scar's Pov

After the train arrived, I took the bus to my hometown since the train doesn't reach far enough to there. I got off the bus and removed my headphones, hanging my backpack over my shoulder and holding Jellie close to my chest.

I looked around the town after the bus drove off. Nothing really changed. Everything looks just like it looked the last time I saw it. I looked up on the hills at the green trees and my eyes sparkled. walked across the road, following it up the hill.

I looked down the cliff at the town, but quickly turned to the forest behind me. The town is built between hills, the only two ways to get up here is to go up the road or climb it up. The forest is spread only on the hills, so animal doesn't usually come down town.

I walked across the forest and froze when my house came into view. Jellie meowed, and I flinched, looking down at her. "Yeah, I know Jellie. But she might not there." I said, stroking Jellie gently as I continued walking. I stopped in front of the door and opened it slightly, peeking in.

"Scar!" My mother slammed the door open and put her hands on her hips. "Mum? I didn't think you'd actually be here." I mumbled walking pass her in. Jellie jumped off my hands and sped to my room.

"Well, I do need to go in a few minutes, some hikers said they saw a bear so I'm going to check on it. I mean on them. The- the hikers." She said. "Of course." I rolled my eyes, walking toward my room. She followed me and gripped the doorframe, watching me putting my bag down.

"Hey," she started, and I glanced back at her. "Mm?" I tilted my head. She stayed silent. "Uh. Bye." She said, walking out the room. I raised an eyebrow, but sighed. I sat down on my bed and looked at the floor. I reached out for my bag and grabbed my phone.

Beloved <3


Are you home already?

Just got here
Mum already acting weird

What are you planning to do with the rest of your day?

Well I can't really go out
So I might just
Clean my room?
Cook something?

Can't go out? Still same old rules?

That's okay
I've been locked in for like 16 years so two months aren't a problem

That's sucks
And absolutely not fair
You're almost 17
Your mum has to let you out

Already tried asking her once
That didn't go well
Never going to ask that again
I will invite my friends tommorow though, it's almost evening


June 21st

I woke up and sat up, for a second forgetting that I was at my mum's now, and getting confused when I saw my surroundings. I got up and opened my door, walking through the hallway toward the living room, where my kitchen was just to the left.

"Good morning." My mother called, sitting on one of the stools next to the counter, drinking coffee. "Mornin'." I said, walking to behind the counter to make myself something to eat.

As I opened the fridge I could hear her tapping on her mug. I sighed, turning around to her. "What is it?" I questioned, closing the fridge. She flinched, then looked away. "You can... You can leave the house if you want to now." She looked back at me.

a Scarian Fanfic: The Parrot Next Doorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن