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Grian's Pov

Scar, Grace and I entered the town hall. People already gathered up there, but at least we weren't the last ones. We sat down, and I don't know why I felt a bit nervous. After a few minutes the door shut, and I looked around.

"There's no way this is the whole town." I whispered to Scar, figuring from the sight there's between 100-130 people here. "Even after the tour I just gave you of the whole town you still haven't realized how small this town is?" Scar giggled.

"Hello there." We all turned and saw Carson, who just sat next to Grace. "Hello! Happy to see that you came!" Scar smiled at him, and he smiled back. Me and Carson made eye contact for half a second, I quickly looked away.

"Attention everyone!" A bearded man walked on to the short stage, placing his hands on his hips as everyone slowly quite down. I assumed he was the mayor.

"So I arranged this meeting mainly to discuss the Corn Festival that will happen soon, but first we have couple of things to announce. In a few..." He continued speaking, but my mind quickly wandered off as I glanced around.

There weren't lots of hybrids in this place, and most of them were elves. I spotted a family of avians in the corner, and I smiled when I saw a little green winged child playing with a train toy.

"G," Scar's voice caught my attention again, and I turned to him. "Can we go to the Festival in three days?? I've never been there, I wanna go!" He whispered happily.

"It's true, I used to sneak him the popcorn from the festival through the window since he wasn't allowed to go." Carson said. "That's right! I forgot about the popcorn! Oh how I love the popcorn!" Scar smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"Quiet down over there- oh, Scar? When did you get to town?" The mayor turned to Scar, who immediately went silent as he looked at him.

The mayor's eyes fell on me, and my wings lowered slightly as he continued gazing at me for a few moments. "Who's that guy next to you I don't think I saw him before." He asked, and Scar glanced at me.

"That's my boyfriend, Grian, he came here for vacation." Scar said simply. Everyone started whispering, and some of them I heard quite clearly.

"I saw him get of the bus like a week ago."

"I had no idea Scar was gay!"

"He's Grace's friend too, I saw them waiting for the bus a few days ago together."

"Scar met him at his new city probably, Grian seems like a jackass honestly."

Those people are kinda nosey. "Silence!" The mayor called again, and everyone stopped whispering. I caught a few people glancing at me as the mayor continued speaking, which made me feel really uncomfortable.

•       •       •

"Grian! Scar!" Carson called as we left the town hall after the meeting had finished. "Do you wanna join me and Grace for dinner? All on me." He asked. "Oh yeah, I'm pretty hungry actually." Scar replied, and I shrugged.

I didn't really mind it if Scar and Grace are there with me too, and I'd love to spend some of that moron's money.

We all walked to the cafe, which Scar told me on the way was his favourite, and sat down next to the nearest table for four. "I already know what I'm ordering." Scar said with a smile as we all grabbed the menus.

"Pancakes, it's obvious, you always order that." Grace giggled, and Scar did too right after. I watched the two with a smile before turning to my menu.

I was planning on ordering the most expensive meal there was, but it was steak and the sentence 'Every Day New Cow!' was written under it, and it ruined my appetite so I just ordered coffee.a

"I'm not gonna order anything actually, my mom just texted me to come home in a few minutes." Grace said, and Carson nodded. "Since when do you drink coffee?" Scar asked as the waiter walked away.

"How did you think I managed to stay up all those night when I was catching up with the school work?" I chuckled when Scar did a long 'Ohh'. "But coffee right now? You're never gonna fall asleep." Scar said.

"Shut up, you're literally eating pancakes for dinner!" I stuck out my tongue at him, and that made him laugh. "I don't think Scar ever ordered here something that isn't pancakes." Grace said, glancing at Carson as he spoke.

"Yeah, I took him here like a week ago, he still ordered pancakes." Carson said, and they all laughed but me who looked between them all with a wide smile. They seem so close.

Grace looked at her phone after it buzzed. "Well I really gotta go now. Talk to you later!" She smiled as we all waved goodbyes at her.

"Dude, I'm so excited for the festival." Scar said happily, turning back to me and Carson. "I bet five dollars you're gonna buy popcorn." Carson smirked. "That's not fair, it's obvious I'm gonna get that!" Scar exclaimed, placing his hands on his hips while Carson laughed.

We all stayed silent for a moment after Carson finished laughing, then Scar spoke. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a minute." He said, standing up. I glanced at Carson whose smile started growing as he gazed at me.

"Wait, Scar." I called, standing up too and stopping him from walking. "I'll come with you." I said, speeding to him without looking back at Carson. Scar gave me a suspicious look, but shook it off.

"Grian, why don't you like Carson?" Scar questioned as we walked into the bathroom, getting into one of the toilet stalls. "Hm?" I mumbled, leaning back on the sink but quickly pulling away when I felt it was wet.

"Come on, I'm not blind," he started, closing the door. "I can see you don't like him." He said. "I just don't really feel a connection to him." I replied, grabbing a piece of toilet paper and drying my hands.

"Well he said you're a lovable guy, I think he likes you, you just need to talk to him more." Scar said. Oh believe me I know how he like me, and it's not in the way he thinks.

He flashed the toilet and stepped out, glancing at me as he washed his hands. "You two should hang out sometimes." Scar said. I didn't answer, just looked away.

He finished and we started walking back. When we got to the table we saw that the food was already there, so we sat down and started eating.

a Scarian Fanfic: The Parrot Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now