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Grian's Pov

I sat up tiredly in the bed, slowly becoming aware of the surrounding. I turned to the window and saw that it was dark outside, realizing that for some reason I woke up in the middle of the night.

I got up on my feet quitely so I won't wake Scar, stretching my arms and wings. My throat was a little sore and I was thirsty, I decided to go and grab myself some water.

I was still very tired, I couldn't even remember what I was doing yesterday that was so exhausting. I walked to the kitchen and opened one of the cabinets, pulling out a glass then placing it on the counter as I turned to the fridge.

I opened it and took out a bottle of water, stopping to yawn before grabbing the empty cup. I grabbed the glass and started pouring water into it, quickly getting distracted by my thoughts as I glanced around slightly.

Scar's house isn't really fancy, but well built. When he told me his dad built this place with one other builder I couldn't believe it. Everything looks so stable.

In such a beautiful place he also chose to build, I would've lived here if I knew how to handle the wolves. I don't know if I would've slept well with all the noise they make. Even though now it's silent... So quiet...

I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep, and my grip loosened on the stuff in my hands. As I felt my head slowly lowering, I woke myself up, but the glass in my hand fell, and smashed into pieces when it hit the floor.

I jumped and screeched, frightened by the noise. "Shit..." I mumbled to myself, putting the water bottle in my other hand aside. I was definitely awake now.

Slowly, I crouched down and started picking up the shards. I heard footsteps coming close behind me, and I turned my head to the hallway, where I saw Scar, looking less tired than me when I woke up.

"Gri? Are you okay?" He asked, walking over and crouching to my level. "I am. Sorry for waking you, I didn't mean to break the glass." I apologize, turning back to the pieces on the floor.

He chuckled, "It's okay." He said, and started helping me to pick up the broken glass. When we finish we threw it in the trash, and he grabbed my hand gently. "Are you hurt?" He asked me, observing my hand for any cuts.

"No." I giggled, pulling my hand away. He smiled and leaned on the counter behind him. He didn't look tired at all, and honestly I wasn't very tired either. It was quiet for a few moments until he spoke.

"Do you wanna go out for a short walk? I don't feel like going back to sleep." He asked me. "Depends. Are we gonna come across wolves?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

"See! You're the one who keeps mentioning the wolves! Not me!" Scar exclaimed, pointing his finger at me with a giggle. "Whatever!" I glared at him, and that just made him laugh more.

He took my hand and lead me toward the front door, opening it when we got there. We walked out and started walking, the only light source is the moon.

A small smile appeared to my lips. I really love nature. Walking around here with Scar is the best thing I can think of doing right now, or ever really. Being with him doesn't even need to include talking to enjoy his presence.

I looked up at the moonlight that was shining through the gap between the leaves, but quickly gazed back down when I felt Scar's tumb tracing back and forth on the top of my hand gently.

I felt my cheeks grow warm and my wings slightly fluffing up as I glanced up at him. Well, more at the back of his head. "I love walking here at night sometimes. It can be calming." He turned his head slightly to glance at me, and the heat in my cheeks spread to the rest of my face.

"Y-yeah..." I mumbled, turning away. I really tried not to get flustered from such silly thing, I still don't understand how he makes my heart race so fast even after all this months we've been together.

I tried focusing on anything but Scar, and when I looked around I recognized the place a bit. "We're close to your old house, aren't we?" I questioned. "Yeah, how did you know about my last house?" He asked.

"When Jellie grabbed the strawberries I was with her and it was next to the house, your mum also told me about your, uh... Scars..." I mumbled, afraid if mentioning it will trigger something.

"My scar you mean. I have only one from that fire." Scar said. "Only one?" My face frowned in confusion, and he noticed it. He stopped walking and left my hand (sadly), pointing at the upper part of his arm.

A medium sized scar was there, clearly a burn scar, unlike the others. "A piece of the roof fell, it only scraped my arm, I managed to get out of the way in time." Scar added.

"Your mum told me all of your scars were made by the fire." I said, rubbing the back of my head. "Well, that was a lie-" he giggled. "What were they caused by then?" I asked, but quickly regretted speaking.

I need to stop letting my curiosity get the best of me and think before I speak before I'll really trigger something. "Well my skin is kinda sensitive so it's pretty easy for me to get scars, but most of them my mother caused." He said.

I felt as if my brain lost connection, and I just stared at Scar, unable to understand. "Your mum. How?" I asked. I wasn't as nervous to ask this time, he didn't look like he was bothered at all.

"She would bring all kinds of animals into the house, injured or just to show me the kinds of animals that in the forest. She often would bring baby animals to let me deal with them so I'll learn how to handle them." He explained. "WHAT." My eyes widened. Honestly I was more surprised that he said all of that with a smile.

"Why are you saying that with such a calm voice??" I questioned, and he looked at me. "Well I was in way worst situations, my mum banged my head into a mirror once, that was hurtful." He chuckled, but his smile fell slightly, and he looked to the ground with sad eyes.

"I can't believe she's done that," I mumbled, he glanced back at me again. "She's crazy!" I added, my voice full of rage. "It's okay-" Scar laughed, noticing my anger.

"What do you mean?? No it's not! Look at yourself, I bet more than half of these scars she caused!" I exclaimed, my anger for that woman just growing.

"I don't really mind the scars. Looking back it was hard getting them, but right now I don't really care. I mean, it never stopped you from loving me, right?" He smiled, and my wings lowered a bit. He noticed that I was calming down, and his smile softened.

"Still, you shouldn't be so chill about it..." I murmured, and he chuckled. "I'm not, Didn't you see how my conversations with my mum are going? Not very pleasant." He said.

It's 5:49am and I haven't slept for even a minute-

a Scarian Fanfic: The Parrot Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now