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Grian's Pov

I shut my locker door close and locked it, slowly making my way toward the school exit, where I knew Scar was waiting for me. His locker is closer to the exit, so he always waits there for me.

I looked over my shoulder, and noticed a figure walking toward me, it was Matthew. I remember his words from earlier today, and sped up. I looked back again and saw him speeding too. I started to get a bit stressed and I freaked out, started to run by the time I could literally hear my heart pounding.

I bumped into someone and immediately apologized, quickly continuing to run after I saw that Matthew was running now too. I got to the school exit and saw Scar, waiting for me there like I expected. We locked eyes, and when I ran pass him I grabbed his hand, causing him to run too.

"Woah- Gri, why are we running-" Scar asked, obviously confused. "Look back" I said, glancing back at the elf. Scar looked back and spotted Matthew, stopping a little bit further from the school building, glaring at both of us. Scar stopped running, causing me to stop too since I was holding his hand.

I glanced up at Scar, and saw the anger in his eyes. "Scar. Come on. He's not worth it" I said, understanding what this glare mean. Scar looked down at me. "But he hurt you. He almost broke your wing, sunshine. I want to give him a piece of my mind" his anger turned into sadness, and I just shook my head.

Scar sighed, starting to walk again, my hand still Intertwining with his. I looked at Scar again, sensing his sadness and seeing it in his green eyes. I felt bad for making him sad. I decided to ask Scar if he want to come over, of course a smile immediately appeared on his lips, and he agreed.

Scar's Pov

When we reached Grian's house he knocked on the door, his mum opened up. "Hello there sweetie! Oh! You brought a friend over" his mum smiled at me, and I smiled back, quickly turning to Grian when he spoke. "Actually mum, Scar is my boyfriend" Grian said, and my eyes softened. I turned back to the mum, whose smile widened.

"Well, It's nice seeing you again, Scar! Especially as Grian's boyfriend this time" she held out her hand, and I shook it with a smile. "Again?" Grian questioned in confusion. For all he knows me and his mum never met before.

"You once fell asleep back on the tree, I didn't want to wake you up so I, uh... Carried you home" I said, giggling when I finished at the memory. "Why do you always do does stuff when im oblivious-" Grian said, remembering the time that he passed out in the door step and Scar carried him in then too.

Grian's mother giggled, then started walking away, not before speaking again. "It's nice seeing you with another boyfriend, Gri. It's been a while since I saw you that happy" she said, and I tilted my head. It was my turn to be confused.

"Did you have another boyfriend before me?" I asked as Grian started walking up the stairs, with me following not far behind. "Y-yeah I had one other boyfriend" He grumbled. He sounded nervous, I wondered why.

"Why did you two break up?" I questioned as we entered his room, closing the door behind me. He paused for a second, gazing at the floor, then mumbled something, too quiet for me to hear.


"H-he tried to rape me..."


My heart immediately dropped as he raised his gaze and looked at me. "What happened?? How??" I asked. I was so concerned, even when I knew it probably happened long ago.

"Uh... Well we were dating for a few months, and uhm... One day we stayed a bit after school in the court, our last period was P.E, so when we finished talking we went to change our clothes, and he tried to, uhm... Do it there..." He finished talking. He had more to say, I knew it, it can't be the end of the story.

"How far in the... R-raping... Was he?" I asked. "I-It didn't last long... He was about to take his pants off, so I kind of... yelled at him, he got away and stormed off..." Grian said.

I looked at him, nothing but sadness in my eyes. He's so damaged... More than I thought or knew... "Im so sorry that it happened to you..." I mumbled, pulling the avian into a tight hug, trying not to shake with anger. I was so angry on whoever the fuck that guy was.

"I wish I met you sooner... I wish those things happened to me, If it was possible I would've taken all of your pain and transfer it to me... I wish I was there to protect you..." I mumbled my thoughts out loud. He pulled away from the hug and capped my cheek, the most sweetest smile spread across his face.

He stood on his tiptoes and pressed his lips against mine, kissing me passionatly while gripping my shoulder for support with his free hand as his eyes flattered close. my eyes softened, and I wrapped my hands around his hips, pulling him closer. First kiss of the day. I can't believe I actually missed the softness of his lips.

"Bro-" Veronica walked into the room, and we both quickly pulled away when we heard the door, looking at the sister in the doorway. "Yes!! A non-toxic boyfriend!!" She cheered. "What?? Kyle wasn't toxic" Grian said, tilting his head. "he literally was. You just haven't realized it. I was twelve and I noticed it!!"

"Twelve? Aren't you thirteen?" I questioned. "I just celebrated fourteen a week ago" She answered, turning away from her brother to me. Silence. She walked out awkwardly, closing the door after her, and I turned to Grian.

"you were with him a year ago??" I questioned, the sad expression appeared again on my face. "A-a year and a half... We broke up in the middle of sophomore year"
"it wasn't long ago..." I muttered, worry in my voice.

"It's okay... Im over him" he smiled. "of course you are, but... Are you over what happened? How can you walk around like that never happened?" I questioned.

"I was broken. I was broken until... Well, until I met you. You just made me feel better, Scar. Im not sure how, but you healed me. Im greatful I have you" he said, slowly reassuring me.

Grian's Pov

Me, Scar, Veronica and my mum sat quietly next to the table, eating luch peacefully, till my mum spoke. "How long have you two been together?" She looked between me and Scar. "Uh... Something like... Three or four weeks?" I replied, glancing at Scar who nodded. My mum hummed then turned back to her food.

"Uhm... Have you two had sex?" The mum asked, and I spitted my food out. "MUM!! YOU DON'T GET TO ASK THAT?" I stood up and slammed my hands on the table, blushing furiously.

"Well have you?"
"NO, AND IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" I yelled, then turned to Roni who wouldn't stop laughing, yelling at her to shut up. I sat back down, extremely flustered.


"Are you planning t-"
"OH MY GOD MUM SHUT UP" I yelled. I had enough. I grabbed Scar's hand and dragged him up stairs to my room before my mum could ask anything else. After I shut the door closed he whined and covered my face out of embarrassment, sliding against the door to a sitting position on the floor.


I removed my hands and looked at Scar. He was holding the back of his neck with a VERY red face and a flustered expression. "Im so sorry about my mum.." Grian mumbled, and Scar turned to him. They locked eyes.

"D-do you wanna do it o-one day?" Scar asked, and my face heated up more than it already was. "Uh- I don't know- Maybe- yeah? I-I guess... I do..?... D-do you?" Scar fell to the floor, in a sitting position too and covered his face, nodding a few times.


I broke the silence by snorting, starting to laugh soon after. Scar quickly joined me, and we were laughing so hard on the floor like the two idiots we are. When we stopped we locked eyes again with a smile.

a Scarian Fanfic: The Parrot Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now