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Grian's Pov

I woke up in the middle of the night to a wolf's howl, my eyes widening. I sat up and looked at the open window. I heard a howl again and flinch, my wings puffing up.

"Scar!" I whispered-yelled, turning to my sleeping boyfriend. After a few moments that he didn't wake up I shook him, and he groaned tiredly, waking up slowly. I actually found his groan adorable, but I wasn't going to mention that to him.

"Why are you awake, Sunshine?" Scar sat up too, leaning on the back of the bed. "You didn't tell me there's wolves in this forest!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms. "Well there are. Why are you worried?" He asked.

"Why aren't you worried?? They could get into the house at any moment, there's literally no lock on the door." I said, and he laughed from my words. "You mentioned that lock at least six time this week. Why is it bothering you so much?"

"It's not safe! Especially when you live mostly alone in the woods with absolute no protection from the animals that are here." I said, lying back down. "We have a lock on the door here, no matter what comes into the house it can't come into our room." Scar replied.

"I still think you need to put a lock on the front door." I said. He scooted down and closer to me, wrapping his arms around my torson and laying his head on my chest. "Alright. I'll put on a lock as soon as I'll get one." He said softly.

I smiled, feeling the heat in my cheeks rising as I stared down at the brunette. "How many animals are in this forest, Scar?" I mumbled. "Mmm..." He started, his voice was tired yet clear as he continued, "Not that many types. There's foxes, rabbits, deers, wolves,"

He paused for a second to yawn, "birds, bears... My mum really like bears, for some reason she finds them very fascinating... There's..." His voice trailed off, and I tilted my head.

"Scar?" I called, looking down at his face. I smiled again when I saw him asleep. He looked so sleepy, so precious. Why does he still look as handsome as he is when he's awake? I pecked the top of his head. "I promise to keep you safe at any cost, love." I mumbled to myself, but after a few seconds I heard an awe.

"Awh. That was cute." Scar said, and my face turned bright red. "Go to sleep!" I exclaimed, slapping his head. Never calling him that again. He giggled softly, "Okay..." He muttered, closing his eyes again. I chuckled. "But seriously... Just don't get yourself hurt while you do that..." He rambled, tightening his grip on me slightly.

I placed one of my hand on his head, stroking it softly as I reached for his back, placing my other hand there gently. "I can't promise you that, Scar." I said, closing my eyes too.

•      •      •

"Gri." I woke up to Scar's voice, opening my eyes slightly. "Yeah...?" I mumbled, then glanced outside the window to see if it's morning, squinting my eyes as the sunlight hit them.

"Do you wanna go down town today?" Scar questioned. I turned to the man towering above me, sitting up in the bed. he was already dressed up, if I was to guess, he woke up at least an hour ago. "What for?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You were there only twice and just for a few minutes, once when you waited for the bus and another time when you came here." He said.

"Give me five minutes to dress up, and I'll be with you." I smiled, but his smile was wider. Scar really likes this place, it made me happy seeing him excited for something that small as a walk downtown.

•      •      •

It was starting to get late, and me and Scar were still walking around. He said he was a bit hungry, so we went to a small market. "What do you wanna eat?" I asked the elf beside me.

"Let's get something from the snack department!" He exclaimed, smiling brighty as he ran further into the store. "That's not food!" I called, but sighed when he kept running.

"I swear, sometimes this man act like a five year old." I mumbled to myself. At least I thought so. "If he was a five year old that would've made you a pedophile." I heard a light giggle as I flinched, turning to Grace who was standing beside me.

"Grace, you scared me!" I said, and she laughed again. I smiled. "Grace! What are you doing here?" Scar walked back to me and noticed Grace.

"There's a town meeting in a few minutes, came to get popcorn." She said, rasing the bag that was in her hand to show us. "There's a town meeting today? Why didn't I hear about it before??" He questioned.

I was still confused what they were meaning, but kept silent and waited for them to finish blubbering. "There's a poster right on the board over there. But I don't think you've been here lately so I don't blame you." She said, pointing at the board next to the cashier.

"Oh, I can't believe we almost missed it!" Scar exclaimed. Grace nodded then stayed silent, and I took this opportunity to slip into the conversation. "What are you two talking about?" I asked.

"Town meetings. Every few months the mayor has them at the town hall and discuss the changes and the events that will happen soon with everyone. Also, one of the singular times my mum would take me with her, she'd argue about the fact that the cars that drive near the forest making too much noise and scaring the animals, but she stopped going there a year before I left. No one listened to her." Scar said.

"Good thing we bought chips." He added, and ruffled his snack bag in the air, walking to the cashier. "Do you have anything to complain about?" I questioned, walking after him.

"Nope! But I haven't been at one of those in so long, I also want you to experience that. It's like watching a reality show but face to face." Scar said, handing the cashier the money for the snack.

a Scarian Fanfic: The Parrot Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now