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Scar's Pov

I walked into the empty house, knowing my dad is at work, and went straight up to my room. I placed my bag aside and glanced out of my window into Grian's room, and saw that Grian wasn't there. Well. I walked down back downstairs and grabbed to myself something to eat.

When I walked back I looked again through the window and saw my parrot friend. He was sitting at the same place as yesterday, doing his homework. I giggled when I saw him struggling. He placed down his pencil and threw his notebook on the ground, eyes full of anger. All of a sudden, his eyes fell on me, and I smiled. He smiled back at me then pulled out his phone. My phone buzzed and I quickly grabbed it. I saw that an unknown number sent me massage.


Hello, Scar! Its Grian

I can see that you're struggling with the homeworks

You added 'Grain' to your contacts

Yeah... im not really good at math

You need help?

No, no. It's fine. Im just not gonna do them


Its too boring

Cmon. I can help you



We ended up texting for hours, I didn't even realized my dad came home from work. "Son?"
"OHhAa!" I turned around and saw my father standing in the doorway. "Dinner is ready" He said with a chuckle, then walked out. "Wait- dinner...?" I muttered to myself, turning back to my phone. I texted Grian goodbye and ran downstairs in a rush. I can't believe we've been texting for five hours.

Grian's Pov

Scar texted me goodbye, and I couldn't help but feel slightly sad. I glanced at my clock. "Grian" I looked up at my mother. "Yeah?" I sat up in my bed. "Dinner's ready. And will you stop playing already? There's alot of things to do other than being on your phone" She sighed as I stood up and followed her through the hallway and down the stairs.

"I wasn't playing, I was talking to my friend" I mumbled, sitting down next to the table. "Your ugly friend, Mumbo?" Roni said. "No, and his mustache is glorious" I glared at her. "I was talking to Scar" I said as I started eating my food. "Scar? Who's that? Is he hot??" She asked in excitement. "Hot?" I whispered to myself as pictures of the brunette flashed in my head. "Y-you shouldn't care if a guy is hot or not, you're thirteen" I mumbled feeling my face getting warmer by the second.

The next day
Scar's Pov

When I finish dressing up I opened my curtains and looked through the avian's window. I smiled when I saw that he was still asleep, and pulled out my phone.


Grian! Wake up!
You told me you wanna get to school in time


I raised my head from my phone back to the window. I watched the boy fall off his bed while trying to grab his phone. I giggled as he stood up and took the phone from his bedside table. I turned back to my phone when I heard it buzzing.


Right! Right! I forgot you can see me through the window lol


I chuckled. he raised his head and smiled at me, his eyes still not fully open. I picked up my bag and walked downstairs. I grabbed my lunch money from the living room, stroked jellie, and walked out of my house toward school.

• • •

I walked into the school building as some guys got in my way. I dropped my bag but quickly picked it up. "Sorry" I muttered. The guys turned around and gazed at my face. I think they're in my class. "Scar, right?" I nodded. "So. where did you get the scar from?" He asked me as I rubbed the back of my head. "I-I don't really wanna talk about it." I mumbled.

"If I were you I would tell..." The other guy started saying, placing his hand on my shoulder with a smirk. "...Because if not-"
"He said he don't want to talk about it, asshole" I heard an angry voice. I turned to my left and looked down. I saw Grian standing beside me and glaring at the two. "Batchelor" One of the guys glared back at him.

"don't you even dare start bulling Scar" The parrot gave them a piercing gaze, and they didn't seem to like it. "I just asked him a question, Batchelor"
"Yeah, it always starts like that" Grian said. "Will you just fuck off, Grian?! Were just trying to talk to our new friend" one of the guys said. They didn't look like the type of people I would wanna be friend with.

"Wow. Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out if your mouth." Grian said, not taking seriously a word from what coming out of their mouths, and they both glared at him. Grian grabbed my wrist and started walking toward class.

"You're done, Batchelor." We heard their angry voice. I felt him squeezing my hand slightly, and I glanced down at him. He looked worried. Seeing his worried expression made me worry too. "Oh, pfft. We're going the worng way" he turned around. "What? But our class is this way. We walked the right way" I said in confusion, and he chuckled in respond. "We have P.E. , Scar" He smiled at me.

• • •

"Alright" the P.E. teacher started saying. "I can see the avians already started their lesson, so we should too. Ten laps, everyone!" The teacher said. I was about to start running, but then I spotted Grian. I noticed he was in the worng side of the court, and I wondered why. I thought avians should be on the other side.

"Teach', I think Grian is in the worng side" the guy from earlier said, pointing at Grian. Half of the students started laughing, but I just glared at him. I don't know what he meant by that, but I saw Grian looking at the ground with sadness in his eyes, and his wings fell down in shame. "Not cool, Matthew" Iskall said but Grian just sighed. "Stay out of this, Iskall..." He mumbled.

Everyone started running including me. I glanced at the parrot in worry. Iskall ran pass me, so I called his name. "Iskall" he turned to me. "Scar! Whats up, mate?"
"Why's Grian here?" I asked, and he sighed, slowing down so he could run next to me.

"Grian can't fly. He has wings but he never managed to fly. Matthew and Caleb always take advantage of him because of that. I think they were friends in middle school" Iskall explained to me. "I see..." I muttered.

a Scarian Fanfic: The Parrot Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now