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Scar's Pov

"Scar, have you seen my-" I heard my father. Me and Grian pulled away from the kiss and looked behind me at the door, where my dad was standing. "You've got to be kidding me" My dad groaned then left. Me and Grian looked at eachother, my hand still cupping his cheek while his hands laying on my chest. "Maybe I should go?" Grian questioned, but I shook my head. I didn't want him to leave.

My dad came back with a broom and started sweeping it down on Grian's legs, causing him to back away. "There you go. Out! This is what you do to birds when they get into your house. Go on!"
"Dad, stop it..." I said. Just before they got to the window, I gripped the broom and forced him to stop. "Dad!" I glared at him as he glanced between us.

"You have to accept the fact that he's my boyfriend. You can't talk to him like that" I said glancing back at Grian, who looked hurt. "It's okay, Scar" Grian turned to me, then back to my dad. "Im sorry, but im not planning on hurting your son or leaving him. I love Scar more than I've ever loved anyone else" Grian said. He sounded so confident. My cheeks heated up, and I turned to my dad, who was locking eyes with Grian's.

He pulled the broom, causing me to left it, and walked out of the room. I turned back to Grian. "Sorry, he gets a little bit worked out over avians" I rubbed the back of my head. "I... I see" Grian muttered, almost whispering. "So you love me?" I grin with one eye brow raised, and he immediately turned red. He looked away. I giggled. "You did sacrificed your phone to keep me out of troubles, haven't you, parrot?"

I circled him with a cheeky smile and stopped when I was behind him, leaning a bit forward to try and make eye contact with the blonde, but he kept turning away. "You're so cute" I whispered. He turned to me, and I giggled when I saw his frowned red face. "I love you too, sunshine" I said. "Sunshine?" He tilted his head with half a smile. "It matches you" I mumbled, and he giggeled.

When Grian left, I went downstairs to my father. "Dad?" I called. He was lying on the sofa, and when I got closer I saw that he fell asleep. I smiled and grabbed the blanket that was folded under the table, unfolding it and covering him. My hand accidentally brushed against his shoulder when and he woke up. "Scar...?" He mumbled then sat up. "Hey dad" I smiled and sat next to him.

"Im sorry that I yelled at your f-... Boyfriend. It's just hard for me to believe that you started dating. I mean, I always thought you liked Grace. Don't you?" He questioned. "Dad. Im gay"
"Yes yes... Still new to me. Tell... Uh... your boyfriend that im sorry" He said. "Grian. And I will" I half smiled. "I can't believe you're almost a senior. Just four months away. You're already so grown up" He hugged me, and I smiled.

• • •

I walked back into my room after I ate some nice breakfast my dad made, and started questioning myself what I should do today, but got distracted when I looked out the window and saw the avian cleaning his. I smiled and walked closer to the window and watched him spraying the glass.

I noticed that he was saying something, and at first I thought that he was talking to someone in the room, but he proved me wrong when he pulled the spray bottle to his mouth while throwing his free arm in the air and yelled into the bottle. I giggled, my face growing warmer as I leaned on the desk in front of me, realizing that he's singing to himself. He spun a few times, and stopped when his wing hit the window.

He spotted me, and immediately covered his mouth while stepping away. I started laughing and grabbed my phone, then called Grian. He picked up the phone and immediately spoke. "how much of it did you see??" He asked. He sounded so flustered and it was adorable. "Enough" I chuckled, and he whined. "Why are you cleaning your room? You never clean it" I said, looking at him through the window.

"Yes I do!" He argued. "No you don't! The last time I was in your room, which was yesterday, Your whole closet was on the floor, your trash can was so over flowed more than half of it was on the ground, and your desk had so many books and papers on it you could barely see the table" I said, chuckling when he sighed. "My mum has this stupid idea; every time Spring comes we should clean the house" He explained. "But Spring started a month ago"
"Yeah, but we didn't have time-"

"GRIAN!!" Someone yelled. I quickly raised my gaze into Grian's room again, then crouched down so I'll be out of the sight when I saw that it was his mother.

"What is this!?"
"Those are... Tests"
"Why were they hid under the sink!?"
"Mum, Im in a call-"
"You got Fs in all of them!!"
"Hun, if you keep Failing your tests you will have to repeat your junior year!"
"I-I know. My teacher told me"
"Then start getting higher grades!! Study for your tests! Im very disappointed. You know that Roni got all As in all of hers??"
"Well I have harder-"
"Get at least a B, Gri"

I heard papers falling, then everything went silent. "Im sorry that you had to hear that" I heard him saying, and I stood up to look at him again. "It's fine. Are you okay?" I tilted my head, looking at the parrot who was putting the tests on his clean desk. "Yeah... Just... Uh..." He rubbed the back of his head. "I can help you study if you want" I suggested, hearing how nervous and deep in thoughts he sounded. "I'd like that" he answered, and I smiled.

• • •

"Hey Scar!" I turned around in the cafitiria line when I heard Pearl's voice. "Hello there!" I smiled at my winged friend. "Where's Grian?" She questioned. "He needed to get a copy of our tests schedule, he threw away his" I explained, and she giggled. "I have a question, it's a weird one"
"What is it?" I raised an eyebrow. "Are you... Treating Grian well? I mean, I know how much you love him, but I just have to ask" She looked up at me.

"Yeah, I am. Don't worry" I smiled. "I wasn't doubting you or anything. I just know him for a long time, I want him to stay the same cheery Grian I know" she said. "How long do you know Grian?" I questioned, stepping forward in the line. "Since highschool started. It used to be just the two of us till Mumbo and Iskall joined his class and we became three, then Iskall became friends with Etho who was friends with the others and then BOOM, we're a group" She said.

"Was Grian the same menace he is today?" I asked with a smile. "Yeah. That parrot never changed, and I hope he will continue to be that way" She chuckled, and my smile grew bigger. "You know, I look at him and I think to myself; how can someone be that beautiful? how can one be so kind and sweet? so traumatized and hurt, but still stays strong and happy? He's just perfect the way he is" I grumbled, my heart flattering at the thought of my boyfriend.

"I have no idea why I just asked you if you treat him well, because you're literally the perfect boyfriend for Grian" she threw her hands in the air, and I giggled, a cheeky smile still on my face. I like being called his boyfriend.

a Scarian Fanfic: The Parrot Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now