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Scar's Pov

When I finished changing and preparing everything for school, I grabbed my phone and texted Grian to wake him up. I glanced at him through the window. Hm. He usually wakes up to the first massage. I send him a second one, but he still didn't wake up, so I spammed his phone. But nothing. At this rate he will be late to school. I glanced down and saw his sister leaving, so I quickly ran out of my house and caught up with her.

"Veronica!!" I called, and she turned to look at me. "Could you open the door for me? The door to your house, I mean, Grian won't wake up" I asked. "There's a spare key in the plant next the door" She said, then walked away. I walked back to Grian's house and grabbed the key from the plant pot, stepping inside and going up the stairs to Grian's room.

"Gri?" I mumbled when I opened the door. I walked to his bed and sat down on the edge, looking down at the parrot with a soft smile. "G, come on. Wake up" I poke his cheek with a light chuckle. He groaned, pushing his head deeper into the covers. "Grian" I called again, and he pulled back out and opened his eyes. "Wait, Scar?" He said. His voice was very raspy. "Good morning, sleeping beauty" I giggled as he sat up.

"What are you doing here?" He rubbed his eyes. "You didn't wake up to my massages, so I came here. Where's your phone?" I asked, noticing it's not on his bedside table like usual. "I don't know... Oh wait. oh- well. Don't worry, I know where it is" he answered. His mind was clearly working slow because he just woke up. "Come on, were gonna be late for school, get ready" I said, getting out of the room so he could change.

When he finished he walked out with his bag, and we walked straight outside and toward school. "Do you usually have breakfast?" I asked, and he shook his head. I gasped. "What?? How are you not starving??" I questioned, a bit shocked. "Im just... Not" he giggeled. I heard my phone buzz, so I pulled it up and looked at the massage.


Im breaking up with you
I never want to see you again


I stared at the massage in confusion, then stopped walking. "You good?" Grian tilted his head. "Grian, where is your phone?" I asked. "Why are you asking?"
"I just got a massage from 'you', saying that you want to break up with me, but you're right next to me so it's not possible that you sent it" I said, turning my phone to show him. "Oh. Uh... Don't mind this massage, it's- maybe Roni took my phone" He said, and we continued walking. He was obviously lying. I know that Veronica is okay with me dating him. But why?

Grian's Pov

We walked into class and Immediately looked at Matthew and Caleb, who were holding my phone and grinning at me. I glared at them and walked to my seat. I couldn't get it from them here, Scar could see it. So after class I walked after them, not before telling Scar that I need to get something before the next period. "Matthew! Caleb!" I called, following them in the hallway. They stopped and turned to me.

"Give me my phone" I said, holding out my hand. "You left your phone, you could've taken it" Caleb shrugged, pulling my phone out of his pocket. "Give me my phone, Caleb" I glared at him.

Scar's Pov

Grian told me he need to get something and left class. I decided to follow him and ask him what he needs, but then he called Matthew and Caleb. I stopped and watched them talking from afar. Quickly the talking turned into yelling, and it continued until Caleb grabbed Grian by the collar and slammed him against the locker. Grian yelped, then Caleb grabbed him again and pushed him to the floor. He kicked him, causing Grian to yelp again. Caleb dropped Grian's phone on him while Grian winced in pain.

I saw red, and immediately ran to them. I punched Caleb right in the face, almost knocking him down. I was about to hit him again, bit Grian stopped me. "Scar! Don't! You're gonna-"
"You over there!! Stop fighting! Come here!" A teacher called. "...Get in troubles..." Grian mumbled then sighed. I glanced at him as me and Caleb started walking toward the teacher. Blood was dripping from his forehead.

"Who started it?" She asked, and I pointed at Caleb, but they started arguing about it. "Ooookay, you all coming with me to the principal's office right now" She said. We walked silently after the teacher to the office, and when we got there she left. "Caleb, hun, what happened??" The principal ran to Caleb, observing the blood that was running down his nose. I forgot that he's her son. "This idiot punched me" Caleb said, glaring at me. "He started it!! He hit Grian first" I said, glancing down at Grian, who was covering his forehead.

"I want him suspended" Caleb said, hint of happiness in his voice. "I think I will do that, yeah" She answered. "What!? You can't suspend him for that!! Caleb seriously started fighting me, Scar just jumped in to protect me! I have fucking blood proof!!" Grian yelled, removing his hand from his forehead and pointing at the bloody wound. "Watch your language! And he hit someone-"
"So did Caleb!!" Grian cut her off.

She sighed and told them to go to the nurse, Grian kept refusing, but agreed when I convinced him to. The principal said she will call my parents to take me home, so I gave her my dad's phone number.

a Scarian Fanfic: The Parrot Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now