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I know this isn't a special chapter, trust me, I am aware. And trust me, I'm getting to it. 

Anyhow, I know I've also thanked you all on my message board, but I wanna do an actual one kinda. Two years ago I would've never thought in a million years this book would get this far, let alone people would like and have an interest in my writing (and let's get real here, it was pretty shitty at the start, so I appreciate the people who have watched me grow and see the book grow as well)

This book has given me many ups and downs, and I know you may wonder how that's even possible since its a fucking fanfic of Polly Gray fucking Y/n into oblivion every couple chapters, but it has. It's given me a safe place and a hobby, writing is now a specialty of mine I've discovered over the past few years. But, it's also taught me lessons, like don't be friends with adults. (just please don't if you're a minor who is below 17.) or don't take odd or insulting comments to heart. They're just comments. It doesn't outweigh the dozens of compliments.

oh and, dont fucking date on wattpad. you hear me? do not date on wattpad. I will personally slap you if I have to.

anyways. not to mention, I hate my writing with every ounce and inch of my being, I'm insecure as fuck and I know I have to work on that. Logically, I know its okay, but mentally, its shit. So I promise you, it should get even better over time. Writing in my eyes is an art, and as time passes, you only get better if you're consistent. Take drawing for instance, if you draw everyday, find passion and love for it, you will get better and get to call yourself an artist. Now, I don't think I have the honoury or permission to call myself a writer, but hey, I kinda am. Just a wattpad writer.

I've said it thousands of times but I adore each and every single one of you. I'm serious. I could never be where I am without all of you guys, you are what built me up and gave me the ability, confidence, and ambition to keep writing. Your comments mean the world to me, every compliment and snarky remark literally makes me the happiest girl on earth, so I do indeed appreciate it and read every single one. (appreciation to Em having to validate me every morning after I publish and reassure me I did great)

I am so very honoured and overwhelmed with joy that I've made it this far. Thank you for giving me the chance to write my experiences. I know 100k might not seem a lot to some people with like..500k reads. but its a lot to me, 2022 me, and 2021 me.

also, if you have any questions about the book, the dr, anyone, please, ask away. ask me anything, honestly. I love answering questions. 

nonetheless, all my love, 


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frau frau is the scottish fold and lottie is the bengal <3

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frau frau is the scottish fold and lottie is the bengal <3

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