Part Three: Chapter 105

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When I opened my eyes, I was lying in a dark room. My eyes adjusted to the darkness after several minutes. I began to realize I was in my bedroom.

Not Yohan's room.

I haven't been in my room since I returned from running away. I've been sharing a room with Yohan since then.

I glanced at my side to see a small tray with a cup and a ceramic bottle. "Is this...medicine?" I picked up the ceramic bottle and sniffed the rim. It smelled like a mix of citrus and mint with some additional herbs.

What happened?

I remember running away from Stonemaker...

Something...I created a shield of some sort between us...

He broke it...

And then...

I covered my mouth before gagging.

I remember.

Yohan saved me.

He was...

He was...

I jumped out of bed and raced to the bedroom doors. Pulling them open, I saw two Black Wolves guarding my room. They turned to me before bowing their heads.

"Lady Abedayo."
"You should return to bed and rest."
I can't do that. Who knows how long I've been laying around? "How long have I been here?"

"One day." one of them replied.

"Where is Yohan?"

Both of them remained silent.

"Where is he?"

"He is away from the palace."

"Where is he?" I pressed.

"He will return in a few days."

"Don't lie to me." I hissed. "I know what happened. He was gravely wounded. Where is he? Tell me right now."

"Elder Kang has ordered us to keep you in your room. The emperor needs to rest."

"I am Lady of the Palace. The next Empress of Jincheon. I demand that you take me to Yohan right now!" my hands balled into fists. "If you don't, I will find him myself."

Both of them eyed one another before heaving a sigh.

"Lady Abedayo...we understand your concern and frustration but-."

"Take. Me. To. Him." I narrowed my eyes. "Now."

They looked at one another again before guiding me down the steps from my porch. I walked with them in silence as we approached Yohan's bedroom. Standing at his bedroom door were two more Black Wolves.

"Lady Abedayo wishes to see the emperor."

One of the Black Wolves looked at me before sighing heavily. "Lady Abedayo..."

"I know that Eunseo has ordered you to not let me see him. But I have to."

The Black Wolf pursed his lips before looking at the man beside him.

The Black Wolf standing beside him nodded his head. They stepped aside and quietly opened the door. I carefully stepped into the room. The only light was one single candle standing on the bedside table. I could see Yohan lying in bed through the darkness. It was as if he were fast asleep. But as I got closer, I realized that something was wrong. There were bandages over his chest and abdomen. His face was discolored along his lips and eyes. It wasn't until I was standing over him, that I saw just how severely wounded he was.

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