Part One: Chapter 36

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It was unusually warm. But I've felt this type of warmth before. My eyes slowly opened to the sight of a blue sky beyond the open window. My body was heavy but I already knew the reason for that. A boring day in the city turned into a passionate night. Before I could roll onto my side, Yohan wrapped his arms around me, hugging me from behind.

"It's still early. Sleep a little more." he buried his face in my messy ivory waves. I have to admit, this does feel nice. The feeling of being held by someone. Someone that actually cares about you.

"Shouldn't you get up? What time is it?"

"It's still early." he grumbled.

"How do you know?"

"Because I know."

He's so stubborn. He doesn't have to be this way. I rolled over to see him fast asleep. His chest rose and fell with each heavy breath. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve a man as kind as this. I stroked his cheek with my palm. My thumb dragged along his lips. His lips may be small but they sure are plump. Every time I see his face like this, I'm just reminded of how handsome he is. Pulling me to his chest, Yohan kissed my forehead.

"Isn't it too early for you to be teasing me?" he spoke sleepily.

"...I'm not really teasing you."

He opened his eyes. "Do you want more?"


"Emperor Kang." Lord Baek's voice could be heard from outside the bedroom door. I gave a sigh of relief. Thank god. I don't know what I would have done if I had to talk my way out of having sex with Yohan. I don't think I can endure it at the moment.

"...Yes?" Yohan sat up to stretch out his arms.

"It is past noon. I was able to reschedule the assembly meeting for this morning. But Lord Seo is here to see you."

"Ah...I see." Yohan climbed out of bed. The sheet slipped from his bare leg. "I'll be there soon. Please serve Lord Seo tea until then."

I sat up as Yohan walked to the bathroom. What am I going to do? With Yohan occupied with Lord Seo, this does give me some time to be alone. But it's not like I can slip out of the palace or anything like that. And when exactly is Lord Baldwin coming to retrieve me? It should be soon, right? After several minutes, Yohan walked back into his room wearing his robes for the day. He bent down before the bed to cup my face in his palm.

"I'll see you at dinner. I will send Min-ji here with some food. Rest here until then if you are still tired." he kissed me gently before leaving the room. It didn't take long for Min-ji to arrive with hot food and tea. Although she seemed very excited to know what it was that Yohan and I did during the day. Apparently, Yohan has never taken any of his previous fiances outside the palace walls. Or maybe none of them ever wanted to. After my meal, I asked Min-ji to retrieve my robes from my room so that I could wear something clean. After my bath, I dressed in a cream-colored blouse, a long deep blue skirt, and a pastel purple overcoat with a gold floral design.

"What are you going to do today?" Min-ji collected my dishes.

"I don't know. I didn't really think about it..." as I stuck my arms through my sleeves, I looked up. There is someone that I should talk to. Someone that might be able to help me. "Where is Elder Kang?"

"Elder Kang?" Min-ji looked up. "She is probably in her room. Why do you ask?"

I took a breath before turning to her. "Can you take me to her?"


"I am sorry if I had you wait for a long time."

"Oh no, there is no need to apologize. I am sure that you have a lot going on."

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