Part One: Chapter 15

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Emperor Kang has been away from the palace for several days. Lord Baek returned the day after Beom left for the capital. He's kept his distance from me but that was to be expected. He rarely talks to me anyway. Min-ji has been keeping me company since the emperor's departure. But then again, it's not like I spend much time with the emperor anyway. But I will admit that I'm a little sad that the emperor left. It's also a little odd how fast he left for the capital. I wonder what happened.

"Lady Abedayo, look!" Min-ji held up a sheet of canvas paper covered in lines painted in yellow, orange, blue, and green. I've been letting her use my watercolor paint.

"I love it!"

"Should I give it a name?"

"If you want to." I looked back down at my sketch. "Not all art pieces need to have a name."

"Min-ji peeked over my shoulder. "Are you drawing the wolf again?"

"Yes." I sighed.

"Why do you like wolves so much?" I asked.

"Well..." I raised my head. "One of my first nights here, I managed to leave the city. I met a wolf with thick black fur and rich golden eyes. I don't know if it's male or female. But it is very friendly." I laughed to myself. "I guess you could say I'm very fond of the wolf."

"You left the city?"

"Min-ji, you cannot tell the emperor. Or Lord Baek or Beom. It has to stay a secret between us okay?" I looked down at her. "But don't worry. I won't be doing it anymore."

"Why not? Did something happen? Were you attacked?"

"No, that didn't happen." I sighed. And if I was attacked, I would have disposed of the enemy on the spot. "I just...don't feel the need to go back to the forest, that's all." I can't tell her that I went to see the wolf and it wasn't there. I wonder what happened to the wolf. "But more importantly, I've been thinking of a way to thank the emperor."

Min-ji slowly nodded her head.

"For some reason, he likes my sketches of the wolf. So I'm going to give him one when he returns."

"Does he really?"


A servant rushed through the doors of the studio. "The emperor has returned! He wishes to see you, Lady Abedayo."

"...Okay..." I closed my sketchbook and set it on the table. "Min-ji, leave your painting on the table near the window so it can dry."

"Will it take long?" she asked.

"No." I watched as she set the sheet of canvas paper on the table before running after me. We walked with the servant across the palace grounds to the banquet hall. Emperor Kang stood with Beom. The two of them seemed to be having a serious conversation. Did something happen? Beom was the first to notice me. Emperor Kang slowly turned to face me.

"Lady Abedayo." Beom smiled happily.

"Hello, Beom." I looked at the emperor. "Emperor."

"Emperor Kang slowly bowed his head.

I wish he would speak. "How was...your trip...?" I'm not quite sure what to call it. I don't really know why he left either.

Emperor Kang gave a subtle shrug.

"Hey, I know you can talk." I took a step toward him. "I've heard you speak. So speak."

Emperor Kang looked away.

"And look at me when you talk!" I barked. "You never make eye contact! What, are you shy or something?"

"Actually...he is..." Beom chuckled. "Even though he is the emperor, he is very shy when it comes to meeting and talking to people."

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