Part One: Chapter 26

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I might just devour you.

I might just devour you.

I might just devour you.

A meld of kisses and teeth marked my inner thigh. My wrists were pinned at my sides. I watched his lips explore the length of my legs. With every passing second, he got closer to my most intimate parts. Whenever he bit too hard, I would respond with a subtle wince or squirm. He would then kiss that specific spot to apologize for his carelessness. Inching closer and closer, I saw the red mark he left along my thigh. He kissed me just above my clit. My body suddenly became tense from his touch. I hid my face in my shoulder while raising a hand. Yohan briefly released me before tightening his fingers around my wrist.

"I've been thinking..." his tongue circled my clit. "You look so tempting right now." his lips pressed against the mouth of my vagina. "Everything is so pretty just like its owner."

My body flinched at the slightest touch.

"You're much more sensitive than I thought you would be."

I tried my best to hide my face in the sheets. He's actually doing that! With his mouth! Not his fingers! Is he crazy?

His tongue slipped between my lips.

Effortless moans fluttered through my lips like a  breath. The sensation was not at all what I thought it would be. But then again, I'm not sure how I thought it would feel. His tongue pushed against my walls. He carefully watched my body's reaction. When my moans became too intense, he slowed down. When I was not reacting with any sort of enthusiasm, he recalled what I previously liked.

My toes curled the moment he pulled his tongue from between my lips. My body began to tingle. My skin was hot. My mind was restless.

My legs were suddenly weak from pleasure. One leg slumped over to the side while the other leaned against his head. I raised my head only for our eyes to briefly meet before I was cast back by a wave of pleasure.

His eyes shimmered with such intensity.

My body was reacting on its own. My feet tucked under my thighs. My eyes pinned shut. I wreathed in excitement. Before it was just his fingers. Now it's his tongue. I'm getting close but I don't want it to end just yet.

Yohan licked the length of my pussy before stroking my clit with his tongue.

Wait! If he keeps doing that! I'll surely cum! His tongue pressed against my clit, massaging it in a circular motion. My legs shook violently.

"Y-Yohan, stop! W-Wait a minute!" I managed to tear one of my hands from his grasp. An intense pressure was building inside of me. "H-Hold on!" my legs quivered as I lay back. The sheets beneath my buttocks were soaking wet. My hand slipped from his as he sat up to wipe his mouth. I hid my face with my hands. I'm sure he's looking down at me in disappointment and disgust. That's something I'm used to.

Of course, he would be disgusted. Why would he not be? Or anyone for that matter. What I did is basically the same as peeing. My eyes began to swell with tears. I tried my best to stifle my voice.

This is so fucking embarrassing!

"Th-That's why..." I croaked.

Yohan reached for my shoulders.

"That's why I told you to stop." I wept.

He gently took my wrists in his large hands.

"I wanted you to stop..." I sobbed.

"Zurine, I am so sorry." his voice was so gentle and kind. "I was wrong. I should have listened but I got carried away." he kissed each of my fingers one by one. "I won't ever do that again." he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. "I won't do anything that you don't like. If you tell me to stop, I'll stop. We won't go any further than this."

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