Part Three: Chapter 102

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That night, the moon children camped out together under the stars. Sinopia provided a fire after Jasper collected enough wood. Vista and Zaffre took turns keeping an eye out for any potential threats while the others slept soundlessly.

Sinopia sat by the fire with his eyes on Zurine as she slept. He remembered the conversation he had previously with Tekhelet. He began to suspect that there was something he had not taken into account.

"I take it you can't fall asleep?" Tekhelet walked up to Sinopia and took a seat beside him.

Sinopia looked up at him.

"Is something on your mind?" he asked.

"...I saw it..." Sinopia whispered.

"What did you see?"

"...During our last conversation. We spoke about what you had seen. It was the day that Zaffre, Zurine, and Ji-eun found Vista in the cave." Sinopia whispered. "I saw it. In the palm of Zurine's hand."

Tekhelet slowly nodded his head.

"I don't know what it is or what it could mean. I don't even know how to begin thinking of any ideas on what it could be."

"Do you think it's going to harm her?"

"No...I don't think so. But I'm worried about her state afterward." Sinopia looked over his shoulder to see Zurine had curled up beside Ji-eun. Her face was buried in the wolf demon's thick fur.

"I didn't see what happened afterward when I first saw it." Tekhelet said.

"It looked as if she were exhausted. If that is the aftermath of her using...whatever that ability is then..."

"Could it be that she needs to improve her stamina?"

"Possibly...but I don't know..." Sinopia combed his fingers through his hair. "I will speak with Elder Kang when we return to the palace. After sunrise, you and the others need to head back to the tower. Tell Cerise what happened. Tell her that she needs to return to the palace immediately."

Tekhelet nodded his head.

"I wish I knew what this was. If it is a new ability, I hope this isn't the after-effects of it."

"What if it is?" Tekhelet asked.

"Then...we will have to find a way for her to manage. Maybe there is a way for her to not use this new power to its full extent. But for some doesn't seem to be at full strength. It's almost like...she's able to conjure something but at the same time...she can't..."

"It looks like something is beginning to form in her hand. But its as if she releases it before it can be fully created."

Sinopia looked up at the night sky. "Either way, I will deal with it once we return to the palace. For now, I want her to rest. I will ask her about it later."

Tekhelet leaned towards the fire. He held his hands to the flames.

"On your way back to the tower, keep everyone safe." Sinopia said. "Make sure everyone returns to the tower safely."

"I will." Tekhelet smiled. "I'll make sure to send a letter as soon as we get back."

"Good." Sinopia laid back on the grass before closing his eyes. "Good."


Deep in the forest, a deer pranced along the lush grass. Bouncing from side to side, the deer leaped over a fallen tree. It lowered its nose to the grass sniffing the ground. The deer stumbled upon a body lying face down. Its nose sniffed the wild reddish-brown hair before reaching its ear.

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