Part Two: Chapter 43

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"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with Lady Abedayo's body." Elder Kang examined my arms and hands. "It just looks like her mobility is hindered at the moment. But as long as she gets enough rest, she should be alright in a few days."

It's been three days since I woke up. Every morning, Elder Kang visits me for a physical examination. Yohan made it a point that my meals must be easy to digest. That means that my meals only consist of fruit, soup, rice porridge, and lots of tea.

"Make sure that she drinks a lot of citrus tea. Citrus tea will help boost her immune system and give her energy." Elder Kang felt along my jaw and throat. "I take it that you still cannot speak, yes?" 

I nodded my head.

"Don't worry. We'll make sure that your tea soothes your throat."

Why is she being so nice to me all of a sudden? Didn't she hate my guts?

"I will pay you another visit after dinner." she finished the examination before standing up. "Yohan, let Lady Abedayo rest. Do not bother her unnecessarily." Elder Kang eyed him before walking out of my room.

Everything still feels like it's all a dream. One minute I was near death and now I am alive enjoying my days as Lady Abedayo of Jincheon. I still can't believe it. I should be happy. I mean, I am happy but I should be happier. I should be celebrating with a grand party. But I can't shake this uneasy feeling. Why did Dravna, the Goddess of Death, Pleasure, and Vices, give me another chance at life? Why did she make me her champion?

"Zurine." Yohan's fingers brushed my cheek. "Do you need anything?"

I looked into his eyes. Were they always that beautiful?

"Would you like more tea?" he reached for the teapot. "I know my grandmother said that you should drink citrus tea. But if you want something else, you can..." he paused once he remembered that I couldn't speak. "...I'm sorry..." he murmured.

I waved my hands with a smile.

"You must be tired. I will go so that you can rest."


He kissed my forehead. "I'll send Min-ji over right away. So just relax."

Relax? I don't want to relax.

I watched as he walked to the door. This idiot! This moron! I pulled myself out of bed only to fall to the floor.

Yohan spun around sharply. "Zurine!" he rushed to my side to help me sit up. "What happened? Are you alright?"

I looked up and took his face in my hands. I want to kiss him. I want to kiss him so bad. Leaning in to kiss him, I began to smell sandalwood, cedar, and tobacco.

Yohan wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.


"Get some rest." he picked me up and laid me on my bed. "I will be back around dinner with soup, rice, and tea." he walked to the door before turning to look at me. He smiled softly before walking off.

What the hell was that?

Is he avoiding me?

Does he not like me anymore?

Did he lose interest in me while I was asleep?

"Lady Abedayo!"

I watched as Min-ji sprinted through my bedroom door.

"Lady Abedayo!" she crossed the room and before kneeling at the edge of my bed. "The emperor said that you fell! Are you hurt?" she began checking my arms for any scratches or cuts.

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