Part Two: Chapter 68

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I wandered the Gim Villa with my sketchbook and a wooden case of charcoal sticks held to my chest. I wasn't sure where I could go. I just want to draw something. The view from my room is nice, but I'm not really in the mood to draw the forest with the sea in the distance. But I could possibly draw the garden if I can get to it.

There were times I would get lost at the villa. I would follow the stone path and somehow end up at the dining hall. I would take another path and somehow end up in the study. Eventually, I found the garden. I was amazed at the lush vegetation that lined the stone wall behind the shallow pond. Rich pink camellias lingered about with blue gentiana.

"I guess I can draw this..." as I flipped open my sketchbook, I sat on the grass. Looking up, I saw a figure trying its best to hide behind a wooden pillar. I know who it is. Well, I don't exactly know but I know it's not anyone related to Lord Baldwin. She has wispy, misty gray hair that fell to her waist with the same ice-blue eyes as Lady Gim. I know she's related to her. But I just don't know who she is exactly.

"Why do you keep hiding from me?" I flipped to the first blank page in my sketchbook.

The girl peaked her head out from behind the pillar.

"I know that you are following me. Can you at least tell me your name?" I looked up.

"I-I'm sorry..." she nervously stepped forward. She looked to be about my age. She's really pretty. Almost like a doll.

"It's okay." I turned my back to her.

"I-Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"Are you...engaged t-to the emperor?"

"Yes." I turned to her to see she was sitting right behind me.

"A-Are you human?"

It's probably best if I just say yes. "Yes, I am."

"A-Amazing! Th-That's amazing!" she clapped her hands over her mouth. "Y-You must b-be very l-loyal!"

"...Yeah..." I gave a nervous laugh. "I mean, it's not that big of a deal really."

"N-No but it i-is! E-Emperor Kang has never b-been engaged to a-anyone this long b-before!"

"Yeah, I know."

"So then...y-you must be Lady Abe-Abedayo Zurine!"

"Yeah, but you can just call me Zurine." I smiled. "You don't have to be so formal with me. I can tell we are around the same age."

The girl looked down. "D-Did I offend y-you?"

"No!" I quickly held up my hands. "You didn't offend me! I just don't like formal titles with people who are the same age as me. It just feels weird."

The girl slowly nodded her head. "Z-Zurine..."

"And what is your name?" I asked.

"M-My name? I-It is G-Gim Hay-y-yun!"

"Gim Ha-yun." I smiled softly. "Well, it is nice to meet you. How old are you?"


"Ah, I'm two years younger than you, Lady Gim Ha-yun."

She slowly looked down. "C-Can you c-call me Ha-yun?"

"Sure, I can do that."

Ha-yun blushed. "Th-Thank you..."

"You are welcome. Would you like to sit with me while I draw?"

"Y-You can d-draw?"

"Yes." I flipped to the other pages in my sketchbook. "See." I showed her the sketches of Yohan and of the servants from the palace.

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