Part One: Chapter 7

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The sun began its descent below the horizon. Jincheon slowly fell into muffled silence. Light steps raced through the forest to the west. Her steps were so fast that she barely made a sound. She leaped from branch to branch until approaching a campsite. The woman took a breath before dropping to the forest floor. She brushed off the front of her trousers before pulling down her hood.

"Ajri! You're back!" a man with long silver hair stood up.

"Yes." she tucked her red hair behind her ears.

"What did you see?" he crossed his arms. "Was she there?"

"Yes. Apparently, she has been living in the palace. She wears fancy clothes too. I knew she was living a double life." Ajri sneered.

"What do you mean?" he questioned. Before Ajri could speak, three men emerged from the trees.

"Basim. Fazal. Majid." the man lowered his arms. "Did you find anything?"

"We didn't find anything, Mouna." Fazal replied.


"Where is Rais?" Majid questioned.

"Rais is following the river. He said he'd be back before sundown. He wanted to see if the river led into the city." Mouna explained. "Ajri, tell us what you saw."

"It would seem that tomorrow night there is going to be some type of party. It looks like Zurine is getting married to the emperor."

"What?" Basim chuckled. "Do you think the engagement is real?"

"I believe she did it to save herself." Ajri smirked. "Why else would she flee to another country?"

"Do you think Lord Baldwin knows?" Majid raised an eyebrow. "But then again...their relationship was always a bit...weird..."

"That is none of our business." Fazal threw up a hand.

"When should we report back to Lord Ayad?" Ajri asked. "Or should I send a message now?"

"How about we give little Zurine a warning. Something that...will leave her shaken up. When Rais returns, I'll have him teleport Fazal and Basim back to Khurut to inform Lord Ayad of her location. Once they return, we'll take it from there." Mouna said.

"Sounds good to me." Ajri snickered. She walked towards her tent fiddling with the end of her tunic. She slipped through the opening and saw her bow and quiver full of arrows on her sleeping mat. Taking her bow and quiver, she walked back to Mouna with a dark smile on her face.

"What is it?" he asked.
"Oh, nothing." she held up her quiver. "I think this will be enough to shake her up, don't  you?"


"Lady Abedayo, there is a letter for you from Lady Shin." Sang-mi handed me a roll of parchment.

"Oh...thank you..." I wasn't expecting anything from her since I recently saw her. I took the roll of parchment and gave it a read.

Dear Lady Abedayo,

As you know, word of your engagement has traveled across the region. Soon it will reach the north, east, and west emperors of Sincheon. Your engagement party will be held tomorrow night. I have a beautiful robe for you to wear for the event! I will arrive at noon to help you prepare for the party!

"...Sang-mi..." I muttered.

"Yes?" she sat on the back of her feet with a straight back.

"What the engagement party? I mean, I kind of have an idea but..."

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