Part Two: Chapter 48

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"The summer festival will be here before you know it. Have you thought about how you want to decorate the palace? What food do you want to serve? Do you know who you want to invite?" Lord Baek sat across from the emperor at his desk.

Emperor Kang sat with his arms crossed. He was distracted by the trees just outside the window.

"I think you should send out the invitations as soon as possible." Lord Baek suggested. "That way-."

"Do you think winter is the best season for a wedding?"

"...Huh?" Lord Baek's brows furrowed above his eyes.

"Which season do you think Zurine favors most? I want to have our wedding during her favorite season." the emperor rubbed his chin. "I know she likes wisterias..."

"What...the hell are you talking about?"

"My wedding of course."

"Did you even hear a word I said?"

"I think my wedding is far more important than a silly festival."

"Yohan..." Lord Baek rubbed his face. "I understand that you want to get married. But maybe, you should begin planning your wedding with Zurine."

"...You're right." Emperor Kang sighed. "I should..."

"And you should also focus on the summer festival." Lord Baek pointed at the stack of parchment between them. "Here are the lists of guests who have been invited to the palace within the past two years. If you don't want to invite someone, simply scratch out their name. I will go to the market with a few chefs to see what is in season so that we can prepare a menu. I think it would be best to get ingredients that are in season. Maybe a fruit wine for the summer as well..."

"A fruit wine..." the emperor thought for a moment. "I wonder if-."

"Do. Your. Fucking. Work." Lord Baek jumped to his feet. "Don't think for a second that I won't tell Zurine that you are slacking off."

Emperor Kang flinched.

"If I tell her that you are slacking off, she will avoid you until your work is done." Lord Baek walked to the door. "I'll be back to check on your progress after lunch."

Emperor Kang reached for a sheet of parchment from the stack. He read off each name before scratching out the guests he didn't want to attend the festival.

He didn't have to go that low, he thought, Zurine doesn't need to know that I have been slacking off.

The emperor leaned back.

He's wanted to bring up the conversation about marriage and wedding preparations with Zurine since she woke up. But he couldn't find the right time to do so. A soft smile grew on his face.

I want to marry her under the moon, he thought, so that her hair can shine like the stars.


I've tried several times, over and over again. But I just can't seem to create an orb of lunar magic that is bigger than a pearl. I think the biggest I got was many slightly bigger than a tiny pebble.

"What the hell is going on...?" I groaned. "Why can't I-? Ack!" the orb of energy burst between my hands, shocking the skin of my wrists. "...That hurt..." I rubbed my wrists.


I looked up to see Elder Kang walking into my bedroom. "Oh, hello Elder Kang."

Elder Kang closed the door behind her. "I take it, Yohan is in the imperial study?"

Thief of TwilightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora