Part Two: Chapter 50

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As the days went on, Zurine's condition worsened. It didn't take long for her manic episodes to become the talk of the palace. Most of the servants prepared for when Zurine would have her next explosive episode. Elder Kang scrambled to find a remedy to calm Zurine's nerves. Lord Baek asked several of the servants to tend to her needs.

The emperor kept a calm demeanor to avoid any rumors slipping into the public regarding their relationship. It hasn't been long since the citizens celebrated Zurine's healthy return.

She requested for Min-ji to stay by her side at all times when the emperor could not be present. Every day, her condition deteriorated. The nightmares every night. Lashing out at the servants when they got too close. He wondered what it was that he could do to help her. He wondered if this was a result of any past trauma.

"How is she?" Emperor Kang spoke as a servant poured him a cup of tea.

"She is in her bedroom."

The emperor nodded.

"I am not quite sure what more we can do. Elder Kang has asked for us to isolate her for the time being."

Emperor Kang pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Is there anything that you would like for us to do?"

"Just keep her away from anyone until I can think of a way to help her." he said. "I don't want her to hurt anyone. I already had a difficult time pulling her away from the guards earlier today."

"What?" the servant sat up.

"She went for a walk with Min-ji but said that she saw Lord Baldwin. She pulled a sword from one of the guards and swung it around accusing them of working for him."

"Lord he the man that Lord Baek is investigating?"


"Emperor Kang! Please, you have to hurry!"

The emperor looked up as a servant burst into the imperial study.

"Lady Abedayo...." the servant pointed in the direction of Zurine's bedroom. "She has put up a barrier! I cannot reach her! I can't calm her down!"

Emperor Kang stood up. "Please get my grandmother and bring her to Zurine's bedroom."

"Yes, of course!"

The emperor hurried across the palace to Zurine's bedroom. Clenching his jaw, he blew out a breath of air threw his nose. As he turned a corner, Hyo-rin spun around carrying a basket of linen in her arms. She smiled before adjusting the basket on her hip.

"It would seem that Lady Abedayo has gone mad..." she giggled. "Good, let the bitch rot in her own misery."


"Lady Abedayo, please!"

"Lady Abedayo!"

I held my hands before me staring at the faces of the people who I once trusted. I can't believe a word they say! I can't believe a single thing that they do! They are working for him! I know it!

"Lady Abedayo, calm down! Please!" one servant held out her arms to me.

"Please lower the barrier!" the other tried her best to reason with me.

"No!" I shook my head. "You are all working for him! I know you are!"

"We work for Emperor Kang!"

"We are not here to harm you!"

"We're here to serve you!"

"Lies!" I shouted. "Both of you are lying! I know he's here!" I pressed my back against the wall behind me.

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