Part Three: Chapter 83

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What is he doing? Why is he teasing me? Why isn't he touching my spot?

Yohan slowly thrust into me with his hands on the back of my knees. The sensation of his cock sliding between my lips, back and forth. Feeling the tip of his cock just brushing my spot. But he won't touch it.

My chest rose and fell with each heavy breath. I was beginning to feel antsy and frantic.

"Please, I want to cum..."

Yohan leaned forward.

"Please...let me...cum...." the pleasure was consuming me. I couldn't think straight.

He pushed his cock deep inside before my cum spilled onto the sheets. I gave a heavy sigh before combing my fingers through my hair.

"What the fuck was that?" I groaned.

"Did I upset you?"

"Why would you do that? You know I wanted to cum."

"I know but I didn't want to get too carried away."

"What do you mean?" I sat up on my elbows as he pulled back.

"Are you satisfied?"

"...Yohan...what are you talking about?" I looked down at his cock. "Did you cum?"

"You should be satisfied right?" he was beginning to climb off the bed. "You should get some rest now."

"Yohan!" I took his face in my hands. "Did you cum? Yes or no?"

Yohan slowly shook his head.

"Why not? Why didn't you cum?"

"Because you need your strength for tomorrow." he sighed.

I narrowed my eyes before pulling him to me. "It's no fun if I'm the only one that gets to cum. So try again and cum with me this time."

"Zurine..." he leaned over me before kissing my cheek. "You need to-."

"No excuses." my legs wrapped around his waist. "Let's go. You need to cum too."

Yohan smiled into my neck as he thrust his cock deep inside of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck while kissing his cheek and ear. His gruff breaths were soon accompanied by powerful thrusts sending jolts of pleasure throughout my body. Before I knew it, cum was splashing against his pelvis and onto the sheets. My mind was a mess and I couldn't even think straight.


Yohan kissed me deeply as he came inside of me. He sat up and looked into my eyes.

"Let's go again."


"Oh...Sinopia..." a woman with soft pink hair stood on top of a hill gazing down at the forest below. She sighed heavily before looking up at the sky. With the summer months coming to an end, she was beginning to dread her journey back across the sea to Alall.

"He said...that he met another moon child..." she looked to the horizon before taking a deep breath. "A child of the white moon...I hope they're pretty..."


I shouldn't have done that. I should not have done that. I should really stop egging him on or even provoking him. I should learn to stop while I'm ahead. My whole body aches. I have marks all over my legs, breasts, and neck. He's a fucking beast in bed. I know that and yet I still provoke him. What is wrong with me?

"Perhaps we should stop here."

"H-Huh?" I slowed to a light jog as Sinopia stopped by a tree. He looked up at the moon before turning to me.

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