Part One: Chapter 35

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It was like a dream.

A day in the city.

With the freedom to do everything and anything that I wanted. Only, I wasn't sure what it was that I wanted to do. Once we were in the city's plaza, all I could do was stand there with a blank, empty expression. This was the first time that I was asked what I wanted to do. Whenever I was in the city with Lord Baldwin, it was for business. It would never be for leisure or pleasure.

Yohan waited patiently for me to make a decision but I couldn't do it. All I could do was stand there and gaze at the people who walked by. A few people bowed their heads at me while others simply backed away. I'm sure it was because Yohan was intimidating them.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Huh?" I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realize he was talking to me.

"Have you decided what it is that you want to do?"


"Do you want to walk around the plaza again?"

"...We've already walked around the plaza several times already..." I rubbed my arms. He probably thinks that I'm boring.

"We could go to the paint shop. I'm sure there are new paintbrushes that you can take a look at."

Well, that wouldn't be a complete lie. I mean, I would like to do that. But I don't want to bore him. As I looked up, I saw a man selling fresh fruit. He gestured to a yellow melon that had been sliced into cubes.


Yohan looked down at me. "Yellow melon?"

"...I haven't had one in years..." I used to eat them during the hot summers in Ainde with my mother. We would buy them as soon as they were in season and let them get ripe.

Yohan placed a hand on my shoulder before walking up to the fruit vendor. He returned shortly after with two sticks of yellow melon.

"Here." he handed me a stick with fruit.

I took one of the sticks and held it before me. "Thank you." taking a bite, I smiled at the flavor. The sweet honey flavor coated my tongue. A smile grew on my face as I took another bite.

"Is it good?"

"You've never had yellow melon before?" I asked.

"No." he shook his head. "I don't really like melons too much."

"...Then what fruit do you like?"

"Peaches and nectarines."

I finished off my fruit before looking for a place to throw away the stick. Yohan handed me the other stick of melon.

"Here, let me take that." he took my trash and waited for me to finish the rest of the fruit before throwing it away. "Would you like to look at some jewelry?" he asked.

"...No..." I would honestly feel safer in the palace right now. I'm sure that Yohan doesn't suspect me of anything but I can't help but feel like he will soon start putting things together.

This is the worst.

"How about we go see Lady Shin."

"Lady Shin?" I looked up. "Yeah, we can do that." maybe I'll feel better once I'm indoors. I've never been to her shop before. Maybe I'll find something that I like there.

Yohan and I walked through the streets elbow to elbow. I didn't want to be too far away from him. There were times when I would take his hands for a few moments. He seemed to like it. He would squeeze my hand every time. When we got to Lady Shin's shop, I saw her fast at work assisting a customer. She pulled out a roll of vibrant yellow fabric for the woman to see.

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