Part Three: Chapter 106

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It was a warm summer day. The emperor was busy in the imperial study, signing documents presented during the meeting earlier that day. He set down his brush before reaching for his cup of tea. Several days have passed since the incident involving Stonemaker. He no longer felt the sharp pain in his abdomen and chest from the poison. Since his talk with Sinopia and Zurine, he began to wonder if he had enough men to secure the city independently. He wondered if he would need assistance from his brothers. Or even his father. Setting his cup of tea on the table, he took a deep breath.

A dark shadow inched across the room before touching the desk.

The emperor looked up, gazing into a pair of soft green eyes.

"Hello, Yohan." a woman stood before him with a smile.

Another woman poked her head out from behind her. "Hello."

The emperor felt a sudden chill rush down his spine.

"Have you seen our husbands?" the women asked.


I've been thinking a lot about my last conversation with Sinopia. I know what I said. I know that I was confident at that moment. But...would I be able to kill Oliver? With my fear of blood aside, I'm sure I can figure out a way to kill him on my own. But...would I be able to follow through with it? I've accepted that Oliver and I will never be friends. That we could never be friends. There's no way he would walk away from this and just disappear from my life. As much of a snake as he is, he is a man of his word. And if my only way out of his life is through death, then I have no choice but to kill him.

I'm not sure if Yohan has noticed but I have a lot on my mind. But I wake up and put on a smile for him so he isn't worried. I don't think Oliver attack the palace. I don't even think it would cross his mind to attack the city. He wouldn't want to go that far and it ends up tarnishing his family name if word got out. I mean, he has a wife and children. To them, he is an honest man who took over the family trading business. They don't even know that he's associated with the underworld of society.

"...What am I going to do..." I muttered. "I have to-." before I knew it, I was knocked off my feet and rolling along the grass. I groaned while sitting up on my elbows. "...What the fuck was that?"

"I'm so sorry!"

"You should have watched where you were going!"

"I was!"

"You clearly weren't!"

I steadied myself before rubbing my neck. "It's alright. But please be careful next time." I winced at the sharp pain in my shoulder. "I'll be fine but you could have seriously injured someone." turning my head, I was gazing directly at a cock. wasn't Yohan's. I slowly looked up to see two men staring down at me. Both of them were naked. Before I could prepare prepare myself, I let out a scream.

"G-Get away from me!" I scrambled back.

"Wait, but are you alright?"

"I didn't hurt you, didI I?" both of them stepped closer.

"Get back! Stop! Don't come any closer! I'll call the guards!"

"What? Why would you do that?"

"We are only trying to help you."

"Stop! Please!" I held up my hands to cover my eyes. "Why are you two naked!" as I lowered my hands, I saw Yohan running towards me. He reached for the two men, grabbing them by the back of their necks. He threw them on the ground before standing over them.


"We were, but we just wanted to make sure that-."

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