Part One: Chapter 10

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"Lord Farron."

"Theif of Twilight."

I stood several feet across from Lord Farron but I could hear every word perfectly clear. He is a man who acts without a single thought. He is very impulsive and difficult to read. But why is he here? Has he been sent by Lord Baldwin? I wouldn't be surprised but it's still odd. Of all people, Lord Farron is the one to greet me?

"So the rumors are true..." he chuckled. His dark blue eyes darted up the city wall.

"What rumors?" I asked.

"Rumors of a woman with copper skin and snow-white hair. Such a woman of specific characteristics is now Lady of Jincheon.

I cocked my head to the side. "Is that so?"

Lord Farron sat atop his horse. He had a ghostly complexion with golden hair that fell just past his shoulders. It would appear that he has been traveling non-stop to get here.

"Have you had the chance to rest before arriving at Jincheon?" I asked.

"I rode day and night to get here."

"Why? You could have taken the time to rest. It's not like I can go anywhere." I smirked.

"Why would I do that when there is a bounty on your head?" he bellowed.

"What?" my eyes narrowed into slits. "A bounty?"

"Yes. Thirty thousand jewels." he smirked.

I looked down for a moment. "Who put a bounty on my head?"

"What does it matter? You're wanted by the whole country. You're probably wanted in Sincheon as well."

I looked up. "So then you know about my last mission...?"

"Everyone knows."

"Then you would know that I was ambushed." I growled.

Lord Farron raised his eyebrow in question.

"When I got to the rendezvous, I was ambushed. Members of Shadowbane and Nightshade were there. I don't know who told them about my mission."

"Then why did you flee? Surely you could have told Lord Baldwin."

"If I had the chance, I would have."

"You've had plenty of time." he gestured to me with his hand. "You seem to be living quite the life here, Lady Abedayo Zurine."

"I have not had the time to write to Lord Baldwin. But since you are here, perhaps you can be my messenger."

"Your messenger?" he cackled. "Like I would do such a thing!"

"Why wouldn't you? Isn't he the one who sent you here to fetch me?"

Lord Farron placed a hand on his waist just above the pommel of his sword.

"Ah..." I slowly looked up to the sky. "It all makes sense now."


Lord Baek's fists trembled at his sides. "...Beom..."

"I swear I didn't know!"

"What do you mean you didn't know!" Lord Baek barked. "How could you have not known that she could do that!"

"I swear I didn't know anything! I just thought she was really pretty! I thought she was really pretty and-!"

"And what!" Lord Baek snarled. "Yohan! Yohan do something with him! This idiot..." he turned to find the emperor focused on the scene below. He watched with his arms crossed over his chest, eager to see Zurine's next move. He has never seen a woman so determined to step before a man. The women of Sincheon are far more reserved and keep to themselves. In a sense, he was intrigued by what she would do next. From his own experience, he was aware of her confident and fearless nature. But he never thought she would be so bold as to stand before a man and his army.

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