Part Three: Chapter 109

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"Many of the neighboring villages have been attacked by bandits over the past several days."

"We have to do something."

"If this continues, what will we do when the winter months arrive?"

"We won't be able to transport supplies to the villages."

The emperor sat at the head of the table. He listened carefully to their concerns.

"Have you thought of any way to solve this problem?"

"What are we going to do?"

The emperor held up a hand. "What villages have been attacked?"

"These three so far in the north and these two in the east." Official Choi pointed out the locations on a map in the center of the table.

"Have there been any incidents along the roads? Have merchants and travelers said anything about being attacked?" the emperor inquired.


Emperor Kang crossed his arms. "Has anything been taken?"

The government officials looked at one another before shaking their heads.

"No items have been taken. But whatever cargo is being transported, it is always destroyed."

The emperor narrowed his eyes.

"What are we going to do?"

Emperor Kang took a deep breath.

"Emperor Kang, what are we going to do?"

The emperor rubbed his chin. He looked back at the map, focusing on the two locations that were pointed out to him. There wasn't anything of interest in both areas. To the north, some flatlands are used for cattle farmers. To the east, there are deep forests in which small villages produce wooden goods such as furniture, dishes, and ornate boxes.

"...I don't understand..." the emperor murmured.

The government officials glanced at one another. They began to fear that the emperor would not have a solution.

"Emperor Kang...many of our families govern those territories. We can hold off any bandit attack as much as we can with our own forces. But...I don't think it is something that will be able to last for more than a few days..."

The emperor nodded his head. "I don't want you putting your men's lives at risk. I understand that you have guards who serve you and have pledged their lives to protect your land. But if something were to happen..."

"We understand." Lord Min chimed in. "But if we can potentially help you in any way..."

"For now...make sure that everyone stays away from the main roads. I will send the Black Wolves to investigate. If you see or hear anything, please send word to the palace immediately." the emperor pressed his palms together. None of this made sense to him.

What is going on, he wondered.



"You haven't heard?"

I looked at Tae-sung as he poured more tea into my cup. "No..."

"Well, now you have." he sighed. "It seems the emperor is keeping these things a secret from you."

"I wouldn't say that." I held the cup of tea to my lips. "Maybe he just doesn't want to think about work when we are together. But I will admit...that's very odd..."

"Each village has been attacked...but...nothing was taken. No one has been injured either. At least no one has reported any injuries."

I pursed my lips. "Has something like this happened before?"

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