Duck for the blood god ch2

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Quackity's acclimation to the new environment was... something. It wasn't easy, per se, but the comfort and regular meals helped. It went something like this:

1st day

Quackity was jumpy, to say the least. His eyes followed every movement outside the room. The curtains were drawn in, shielding him from the room. Or the room from him? He was allowed to shower, use the bathroom, eat, and he wasn't forced to do anything in return. Dream and Tommy's conversation filtered in through the cracks in the door. The room was warm, even though it was snowing heavily outside. The duck hybrid was laying in his nest, snacking on a few apple slices, when the door started opening. Dream stepped into the room, and the ravenett froze. Was this it? But the admin stopped in the entrance, those sharp emerald green eyes straight into Quackity's soul.

"Can I sit?" His voice was... Different. Different as in softer, filled with emotions. Quackity never saw this side of the server tyrant, who was always coky and all-knowing. Now he just seemed... Soft. Maybe it was because of the freckles. Yep, definitely the freckles. They make everything look soft and innocent.

Author has a thing for freckles, okay?

Oof, there goes my attention spawn. Back to Quackity.

"Not like I can say no." The duck hybrid said, curling into a ball at the edge of his the nest. But when the admin doesn't move, he nods in approval. Dream stepps in, shoes left in the door, socked feet sinking into the layers of soft blankets. The blond was wearing a black long sleewed turtleneck and dark brown pants with a tear near one of the knees. Dream usually wore black trousers with brown combat boots and a green hoodie. It was strange, seeing him without it. And the mask. The mask wasn't on his face.

"I know this must be hard. My first night was hard, too." Dream admitted after sitting down further from Quackity.

"Don't tell me you are a domesticated pet?" Quackity scowled, forgetting his worried and gaining back his edge before he realized that it might not be smart, angering someone he can't exactly escape from. But the look Dream gave him made his eyes go wide.
"You have to be joking." His voice was coated with disbelief.

"I am not even a human. Nor a hybrid. It's a long story. But Techno helped me. I realised that I did bad things and now I am working to be a better person." Dream said, and it was so sincere, Quackity couldn't help but ease up a bit.
"I know being a pet sounds dehumanizing, but Techno is just like that. He is bad at expressing himself. The only people he sees as actual people are his family and Ranboo." That actually made a lot of sense. Techno came from a different culture.
"So... He is on his therapyst arc... In blood god style?" He joked, and suprisingly, a tea kettle like sound erupted from the blond.

Honestly, the joke wasn't that good, Author can do a lot better.

Here I go, off the tracks.

"Sure, whatever you want to call it. I better leave, Techno is a cuddly bastard when he's sleepy." That statement only brought up more questions in the duck's head but decided not to ask them.

Dream closed the door when he left the room.

It remained unlocked.

Quackity was tired. He decided to leave the door be tonight. He can escape tomorrow.

Spoiler allert! He did not escape.

1st week

Quackity fell into a routine. He recieved three meals a day, and snacks, got eight to ten hours of sleep every night, and it still caused him to get drownsy and tired, but Dream, his daily companion beside the Blade, assured him that this was normal. He was just like that the first few weeks. Quackity still didn't know much about Dream's story. The blond never talked about it, and the ravenett never asked.

Tommy visited but was unusually quiet, and when Quackity asked, the young racoon snarled in his face, saying that he was disappointed in everyone, for making such idiotic decisions. The duck understood where he was coming from.

He still didn't leave the room.

But he was a lot nicer when talking to Dream and Techno, and he apologised too. His healt improved a lot, but his wings iched. They hurt because he couldn't reach the back and they haven't been preened ever since Schlatt was elected. He was too busy and no one would do it for him now. But other than that, he was fine.
"Hey Quackity?" Techno stepped in the room, hoofs padding the soft floor made of beddings.

"Hm?" The duck was busy, eyes trained on a small puzzle Dream gave him earlier that day.

"How are you feeling? Do you need new blankets?" With a shook of his head, the duck glanced up at his... Captor? Rehabilitator? God no that sounds like he is a wounded animal. Isn't he tought? Before his toughts could escalate further, he spotted a yellow stuffed animal in the hands of the feared warrior. When Techno noticed him staring, he offered it to him.
"It's soft, and nice to touch. Me and Dream need constant stimulation, and I noticed how anxious you are, so I thought one of these might help." Quackity guessed the behaviour Techno was talking about was the stress of not having a flock, and therefore wings remaining unpreened.

The stuffed toy was a round shape, with tiny ears and four small bumps attached to it serving as leggs. The stiching was nice, precize and smooth. The animal it resembled was a cat with orange paches littering the material. When Quackity touched it, he felt like he touched a cloud. The toy was pulled away from Techno with force, not affecting the warrior much more than a suprised grunt. Quackity squeezed it, and wached as the memory foam rose back after he released. It was a nice feeling, distracting him from the discomfort his wings caused.

Author has a comfort toy named E.S. Author loves stuffed animals and they will keep including stuffed toys in all of their work.

Preening for the first time.

It was, suprisingly, Tommy who offered to preen his wings for the first time. He was hesitant to accept, because his wings were the most fragile spot he had. His Achiles spot, if you will. But after many many convincing later, the child can be really convincing, he agreed.

When Tommy ran his fingers trough his feathers with a delicacy he didn't know the raccon hybrid had, Quackity went limp. Pleased chirps escaped his throat, and it felt like heaven. When Tommy plucked a feather that grow in wrong and was iching for ages, a loud and content, low thrill escaped him without his permission. He didn't notice the look Tommy sent towards the glass where Techno and Dream watched them. A look of adoration plastered on all of their faces, while the duck melted at the care and gentleness he was presented with.

1st time cuddling

After some weeks, it was still unclear what Dream was. And he never talked about it either, not like it was ever brought up. Quackity couldn't help but be curious, however he didn't want to pry.

So he didn't suspect anything when one night a small blob entered his nest, crying. He didn't suspect anything even tought the blob's face represented Dream's mask, and it had a green undertone to it's skin.

And the creature needed comfort. Tommy and Technoblade was out, doing XD knows what, and the house was quiet, empity. So Quackity did the only racional thing that came to his mind, he gently pulled the blob towards him, cocooning it in a blanket of yellow feathers. It chirped gratefully, and Quackity thrilled back. His instincts started acting up, and he didn't try to push them down.

It was nice.

Maybe this isn't so bad after all.

Dream SMP oneshots (98% Dream Centric) [Closed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora