Blood Packt pt1

541 20 26

Tw for homeless teletubbie and vampires.

Dream was sitting on the edge of a rooftop, looking up to the starless, dark blue sky. A tired sigh escaped his dry lips. Green eyes stared into the nothingness of space with a longing shine. His blond hair was unkept, dirty, just like the rest of his appearance. He had no money for clothes; he could hardly get enough for food.

He lived on the streets ever since he aged out from the system three years ago, and it was a pain in the ass. On top of his dehydration and malnourished state, winter was coming closer. And he had no protection against the piercing cold; he gave his comforter to a runaway a couple of weeks ago, and he knew he would either die from starvation or from hypothermia. He wasn't okay with that, but there was really nothing he could do.

Or a vampire would feed on him until he ran out of blood.

Yeah, that was a possibility most unlikely to happen. He was dirty and skinny, and he did not have enough protein in him to be appealing for a "blood sucker."

The streets were never kind to anyone, not when the vampires and humans were constantly at each other's throats. Dream smiled at the pun he had just made. He was tired, so, so tired, but he feared that if he gave into sleep, he might never wake up. Another sigh, one of acceptance, escaped his lips in the form of white fog.

"Oi! Fuck off!" The sudden sound made the blond flinch, looking down into the alley he was sitting on top, he saw a kid, a fledling maybe, protecting another. A man, around his thrities, loomed over the two teens. The kid who just yelled had golden hair with blue eyes, red around the pupils that looked like one of a cat's. He wore a red and white T-shirt and brown shorts with multiple pockets. Behind him, the other male was a brunett; his hair covered his eyes. He had a dark brown jacket and black baggy pants. Both were pale as a wall, fangs poking out of their mounths.

Nothing good ever came from helping strangers. Especially if those strangers are vamps.

But they were just children.

And children are Dream's greatest weaknesses.

So he jumped, grabbed a ladder to soften his fall, then let it go and landed on his feet, bare and bruised, his shoes long abandoned because he grew out of them. The kids were behind him, piercing eyes stared at the back of his head. He said nothing but punched the guy in the face, getting him to step back. Dream looked at the wrist of the blond teen, seeing two little dots, scarred ower, healed with time.

Fuck. The kid was in a coven.

I have decided to tore a half done at least 4000 word oneshot into small parts so I can finish it and still have something to post every day. This is the new format I am trying out, so yall won't be left in the dark. So come back tomorrow for more I guess?

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