Duck for the blood god pt1

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Tw for ducknapping and no decided POV.

Techno ripped the axe out of Quackity's hands, kicking him in the stomach with the same momentum.

"I have a pickaxe, and I'll put it through your teeth!" The duck hybrid fell on his ass and saw the weapon heading to rip into his mouth. A loud quack broke through the air as he tried to shield his face from the bowl. But it never came.

He lowered his arms and saw the blood god looking at him with a shocked expression, pickaxe frozen just inches away from colliding with him. Quackity shuddered upon seeing the threat still up, yellow wings trembled with fear, instincts screaming to fly away from the danger. But they were in a closed space, and someone blocked the entrance.


The duck looked around and saw that he was trapped with the most dangerous individual on the server. Someone else was there.

"Did you just quack?" The monotone voice ripped him out of his panicked thoughts, his mind zeroing back on the pinkett luminating over him.
"He did quack, right?" Techno turned to an empty corner, and a familiar voice rang through the enclosed room.

"That he did. Why?" Dream was mildly confused by the question. A little voice in his head told him that something came into his friend's mind. Which was usually a stupid idea involving either sla- free work and or to- advanced interviewing techniques.

The voices were screaming for blood or cooing at the noise made by the black-haired hybrid. Some of them demanded Dream's death or simped for the invisible man. But a part suggested an, in Techno's opinion brilliant, idea that would maybe considered illegal.

"I want to keep him." He pointed his netherite pick at the still-sitting hybrid.

"What?" Rang two voices through the air of the cave.

"Techno we can't... You already have a racoon in your basement you don't need a fucking duck!" Dream said, face morphed into disbelief, although no one could see it.

"Oh please, Dream, think about the clout! And Tommy will be happy!" Quackity was lost. What was going on? Since when were Techno and Dream so close? Dream knew where Tommy was? Tommy wasn't dead? Why was Dream so calm about it? Questions ran miles per hour, his brain fuzzing with the overload of information as the two conversed above his head. The next thing he knew, he was thrown on the very horse he used to catch Technoblade. He started struggling until he saw a white mask invade his vision. A big and calloused hand pinned him in between his wings, making his body go limp.

"Struggling is kind of pointless you know? Techno knows everything about avians." Dream said, patting the duck hybrid's face.
"Meet you back at the cabin?" Techno nodded and exited the cave on an entrance Dream dig beforehand. The repetitive throdding of the horse lulled Quackity into a blissful sleep. It was stupid to lower his guard, but he pulled three all-nighters in order to hunt down the blade, he needed sleep.


Tommy was eating a gapple, spread across the couch when the door opened.

"Hello child, I brought another pet for us." The deep monotone voice said, and Tommy looked up only to see Quackity hanging limp on the shoulders of his older brother.

"Dare I ask?" The racoon hybrid looked concerned, and Techno started explaining the situation while placing the sleeping duck in front of the fireplace, starting to build a small extension of his cabin, placing down pillows and comforters on the floor, cowering it with layers upon layers of softness making the wall facing the inside out of clear bulletproof glass with a curtain that allows the glass to be cowered from the outside, the entrance shielded by a door with a lock from the outside.

Where did Techno get all these shit from?

On second thought, it's better if Tommy doesn't ask.

Techno placed the still-sleeping duck into the new cage. How long did he go without sleep? That just won't do, Techno's pets are always well cared for, so now Quackity will obtain a healthy sleep schedule.
"I'm going to start on dinner, Dream will be here soon too. You want something special?" The piglin hybrid asked his little brother, who perked up at the mention of the green hooded man.

"Big D's coming? That's so poggers! Can you cook up some chicken? And berries. Berries are amazing!" Tommy's words sounded like the racoon chitter he lets out when he's in his instincts. Techno just nodded and smiled a bit, starting up the fire and pulling out the ingredients.

Quackity woke up to an amazing smell, softness surrounding him. His instincts started acting up, chirping about nests and flocks, and he let out a quiet coo at the feeling of soft blankets brushing against his wings. He needed to preen them soon. He started wrecking his brain to figure out where he was, when memories started flooding back. The tundra then the execution then the cave then the pickaxe and almost dying and Techno saying-

Panic flew through him, and he shot up to inspect his surroundings. He could see an open side of the box he was in. The glass looked at a living room where Tommy was chilling and patting the head of a polar bear, talking with someone.

It was Dream.

The duck hybrid ran towards the glass, trying to break through it, and failing miserably. But the banging drew attention to him, the two blonds in the room turning towards him, the polar bear walking away to a far corner.

Dream looked at the captive duck, before turning to the kitchen.
"Techno, Quackity's awake!" He yelled and turned back to Tommy, who started talking about cobblestones. The duck hybrid started panicking, wings fluttering as he scrambled backwards, searching for an opening where he could escape. He did not want to play the role of a fucking pet.

Good day my mistlings.

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