Nothing|🖤 💞

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Ship: Fundywastaken/Dundy

Dark. Silent. Dream could definie define his new cell with those two words just perfect. He didn't see or hear anything, and after a while, he stopped talking too. Now, the problem with this was only one thing. Muscles need workout to keep functioning. So if you stop working that muscle, it stops functioning. Dream slowly started to lose his hearing, vision, and voice. And the worst part is probably the fact that he didn't realise that. But someone did.

Sam watched the camera of the dark cell. He saw the prisoner feeling around for the daily amount of potatoes, eating them happily. Then the admin freeze. He started knocking on the floor, and he seemed more paniced with every knock. He then said something, but the warden didn't hear anything. He checked the audio recording device, but it was turned up. Of course it was. He heard Dream's hand hit the floor now in a rythm. It was morze.

'I can't hear. Am I doing this right? Sam? Can you hear me? I can't! I can't speak! Sam? I'm sorry! Please!'

The warden jumped up from his chair, rushing towards the cell, slamming the door open. Dream didn't even flinch he just kept repeating the code. Sam grabbed his friend, who flinched, looking around paniced. His eyes were milky, clearly, he was blind. Sam grabbed Dream's hand and started poking it. The morze code made dream freeze.

'It's me, Dream. Sam. Your friend. Calm down.'

The paniced boy did calm down and started tapping the ground again.

'Why can't I hear, see, or talk? What year is it? How long am I staying here?"

The questions broke the creeper hybrid's heart. He picked up Dream in bridal style, making him yelp.

'You are getting out now.'

Sam morzed and walked out of the cell, heading towards the entrance of the prison. Dream shifted as he felt the cold breeze of the summer air. He was uncomfortable. It was strange to feel the sun's warmth. He forgot what it felt like. He looked around, but darkness was the only thing surronduring him. He felt the warden's grip tightening around him, then placing him down. His bare foot touched something soft, and he kneeled down, only to be met with the familiar smell of grass. He touched it, ripping some of it. He noticed how he could smell different scents. It's like his body trying to cope with the loss of vision and hearing. He could smell ash, mud, blood, alcohol, smoke, coal, honey, and so much other. Someone, not Sam, that's for sure, touched him, and he backed away. The hand was soft but hardened. Probably from fighting. The touch was there again, gentle, protective, and strong. The scent of snow and ginger reminded the boy to the thundra. Another strong grip appeared, hugging him. The smell of dandelion and chocolate filled the prisoner's nose, and the hug felt familyar. He knew these people, he trusted these people.


He tapped on the shoulder of the person hugging him, feeling how the person nodded. He also felt tears hit his shoulder. The gentle hand helped them up, and Dream grabbed it before it could go away.


He tapped on the palm, and the person tapped back.

'It's me, teletubby.'

Techno then wanted to pull back his hand, but Dream grabbed it. He couldn't see or hear his friend again, but he could feel him. He then felt that his son let him go, and Technoblade started carefully leading him towards someone or something.

He soon felt another hand grab his. It was soft and hairy. He instantly recognized the smell of ocean and freshly cut grass mixing with a sweet caramel scent. He hugged his husband, who hugged back.

'I'm sorry dear.'

The fox morzed, and Dream tapped a forgiving scentence on the back of the fox, not letting him go. He felt the grip around him tighten, and the heartbeat of the fox quickened. He felt the breathing of his lover. It seemed like he's shouting. He just hugged Fundy closer, hoping that everything would be alright. He felt something rip him away, and he smelled mushrooms. It was George. He was so confused but actually broke free from the grip, looking around blindly. He didn't know who was here. He didn't know where safety was, and he started panicking. He felt someone grab him. This grab was too familiar with his liking, and he jumped away from the duck hybrid, only to bump into another person. Dream was paniking, and he didn't know what to do. That's when he felt it. Familiar lips attached to his, and he melted into the kiss, inhaling the sweet scent of caramel. His husband drew circles on his back, calming him, while kissing him sweetly.

Daily thing for u guys.

This was supposed to be angst. But I felt nice today.

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