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IDK if you came across that Tommy angst where Dream (our hero and saviour) basically breaks him with the revivals. Yeah. We love Dream angst, and this might be original content? Since I didn't find anything like this.

ship: Dreamnoblade.

Warning: Strong language, torture, Quackity got da revival book, Broken Dream, blood, mentoins of torture, scary Dre.

My draving.

Oh did you know, that the word eburnean comes from the latin eburneom what means Ivory? One year latin everyone, one year latin.

Pain shot trought his skull, as he was once again in the mirror room. Quackity usually waits 3 minutes before reviving him, so he got ready for another half hour, starring at himself in the endless mirrors. There was barely any blonde hair anymore, he looked like an old man.... His face is pale, scars leaking green paint signalling the causes of death, a new green spot forming on his head, painting the white streaks into a lime shade. Once green and shiny eyes starring into their empity reflection. His freckles are visible, having a huge contrast with the pale skin. Once orange jumper now almost completely soaked in green, huge holes are torn into the fabric. The pain he experienced over and over again, pushed him trought the edge, and he was almost completely numb. He closed his eyes, only to feel the srong pull of invisible strings, signalling another revival.

When he opened them, he was met with a pair of red eyes, starring at him with a worry filled shine.

"Oh prime, you are back." Deep, monotone voice shots trought the thick air of the prison. Dream however, stayed silent, empity stare looking into the other's soul, gaze filled with nothing, broken. There's nothing Dream wants to say, it's not like he could anyways. Quackity is groaning on the floor, the wound of a trident soakes his clothes with red substance.

To Quackity's unluck, Techno came to get back what's rightfully his, this action resulting to the current situation. Techno got the book back too, the piece of leather now resting in his inventory. The pinkette scooped up Dream, heading out of the hellhole. The blo- white haired admin laid in his arms, motionlessly, eyes starring into nothing, mind is in a different place. The pinkette placed a kiss on the cold, marble forehead, recieving no response, not even the smallest smile. But he feels Dream's body snuggling closer to his, breathing changing into a relaxed one. A small, sad smile creeps onto the light pink lips, fangs showing in full shine.

The strong warrior throws a fire resistance over them, but he makes sure first that Quackity has no items he can use to escape, leaving him with only some useless things. He looks back to make sure the duck dosen't have the effect, and stepped into the lava. He felt his lover shift a litle upon feeling the warmth against the sensitive skin of his.

Soon they reach the entrance, where Techno places Dream into the locker room.

"Stay there please, I have one more thing to take care of, and then we can go back home." He only recieves a nod, eyes in a terrified position, pupils sank into small dotts in the light green irises. It seems like he dosen't blink, nor can change his facial expression. He smiled at the white haired boy and stormed out, the door closing behind him. Dream sat down, mind empity, doing as he was told.

That's how far I've gotten. ♧uthor is tired, and got no h€lp. The ther♧pist they w¡sited said that it's beca^se of the soc¡al pr€ssure. S♤ mu(h f0r h€/ping me. B^t I'm st♧rting t♤ figure everyth¡ng ♤^t. S♤rry for mak¡ng you ♧ll worry€d. I pr♤mise I won't d♤ anything st^pid.

Dr¡nk water!

If y♤u want to work with my AU, ask f♤r permission please, I w♧nt to s€e what you've m♧de.

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