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Did I enjoy the DSMP season 1 final?

Hell yeah.

Will I write it?


Will I stop writing Prison Dream angst?

Not a chance.

Will I write TommyxDream since it's basically legal now?

Wtf no Tommy will be a forever child for me.

Will I start writing DNF?


Am I opening the requests back?


Is my mental healt stable?

No but it never was.

Will I write more rant stories?

Yes for sure.

Will I write DSMP s2 angst?

I'll get there.

Will I start streaming on twich?

The moment I get a PC.

Do I care about the Dream drama?

Not reall.

Will I stop writing about shit?


Do I see my progress in my writing?

Yes and you guys noticed too, what is really nice and I'm happy that I'm able to get emotions out of my readers.

Do I have motherly insicts?

I'm 17 but suprisingly yes. And yall are my family.

Do I care about hate?

I mean why would I? As long it's directed towards me it's fine.

Am I questioning the bible translations?


Do I know what I am writing right now?

No but I want to publish something.

Will you ever tell them what the hell I am?


See yall next time.

Dream SMP oneshots (98% Dream Centric) [Closed]Where stories live. Discover now