Blood pact pt3

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Tw for kidnapping, hints for DNB.

Technoblade was the first one to move when the guy fell. It was more of a reflex than anything, feeling the terror of both fledlings as the human passed out mid climb. He was cold against his skin, which was surprising. He was also really light, and the pinkett could feel the bones pressing against the skin of the guy.
It must be really painful to move; the sculpture must drag against the inside of the mortal's skin.

"I have so many questions." His sire, Phil, voiced the toughts hanging between them.

"I'll explain  everything if we go home first." Tommy said, Tubbo nodding with a tired yawn.


Dream awokened to warmness surrounding him. His eyelids felt impossibly heavy, and his body had sunken into cotton like softness. The only problem he had was his empity stomach twisting into painful knots. He felt a warm hand run through his hair, slightly sharp fingernails scraching the skin under the mop of blond locks. It felt different. His hair felt a lot easier, and the fingers massaged his aching scalp.

"Such a pretty boy." His head was a little floaty, but the deep and rusty voice made him relax. Why did he feel safe? He was not in an alley; someone had taken him away. The events of last night slowly flowed into his sleepy mind, and his eyes shot open in a fit of panic.

Saphire red eyes stared back at him, pupils dialating with a possessive glint. Long, pink hair flew down to the man's waist, nicely framing the pale and stoic, quite handsome, face. His fangs poked trought his lips, and he wore a white button-up shirt, sleeves pulled up to his elbow. Dream leaned into the touch despite his panic; mind still hazy and distant.

When was the last time someone touched him with such care?

Maybe two or three years ago.

Dream was a touchy person, clinging to those who accepted it. As long as he was shown love, he stayed and did everything for the affection.

He was used to being thrown under the bus anyway.

"You are finally awake." Pinkie said, chrimson eyes studying the still tired face. Greens met with reds, and the vampire cleared his throat. He reached for a bowl of still hot soup. Dream looked at the bowl, mounth watering at the delicious smell.
"Here, let me help you." The man propped Dream up on soft, oh so soft pillows, helping him to gain a somewhat sitting position. The bowl is gently pushed against his mouth, and he opens it, taste spreading like spitfire, invading his taste buds. He had never eaten something so tasty before. It's perfectly seasoned; the vegetables were soft and slid down easily. Tears gathered in his eyes, and he cherished the taste of this heavenly food that was offered to him by a god. Because this guy looked like one, eternal beauty glued to his very soul, making the white skin shine and the pink hair look soft.

After the bowl was empity, the guy left. No incroductions, not a word spoken by either party.

And Dream was left alone in a room too huge, with windows too big, the sunlight peeking into the room between the tiny gap at the heavy dark red curtains. His head was not that fuzzy after he had a good meal, and he slowly registered that he was clean and dressed into way too big clothes. Must be the pinkie's, he thought, small rosy colour dusted his cheeks, his heartbeat picked up.

Welp, have a nice day, guys.

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