Not so fine|🖤💞

926 35 88

TW: Blood, eating dissorder, cannibalism (I'm not sure), self harm in wery creative ways, mention of torture, stress, bottleing up feelings, Dora level stupidness, anxiety and/or panic attacks, etc.

Ship: Dundy

Dream could not understan why they released him in the first place. He was confused why would they treat his wounds, and someone even built him a cottage. Maybe the death messages were too annoying? But he tought it would make them happy. He didn't want to upset them any further, so he just stayed inside the cottage, or planted carrotts and wheat in the garden. Not potatoes tought. Never looking at those again.

So he was out! And that is nice, you might think.


Altought some people (syndicate khm) suggested therapy, they all decided he dosen't need it.

Famous last words I say.

Famous last words.... An&ways.

Dream picked up some.... Rather harmfull habits in prison. Like dipping body parts into lava, or hitting his head into something untill he passes out. Or eating litle pieces of his flesh when he's bored, stressed, or... When he feels like it, I suppose? Yeah, he continued doing that.

And after he was out, oh boy he picked up even more!

Not eating was always a thing, even before prison. But now, every time he ate, he just vomited it back, his stomach was no longer able to deal with food beside bread or maybe some vegetables and fruits. You would say that's not that bad.

You would be right if Dream would eat them. He just eats enough to not die. He dosen't want to worry anyone.

Self cutting? Nah, Dream finds that cringe, and too old fashioned.

And author has trauma about it so double no.


He has animals all around his cottage. Sheeps, cats, dogs, parrots... He dosen't know how they got there, but he could not allow himself to get attached to an animal ever again. He didn't wanted them to die...

Thank you Tommy. It's all his fault. I blame him, and Sapnap for killing them.

Back to the story.


Sleeping was also hard to come by. The only times he got some sleep when he knocked himself out. Strangely he always found himself on the bed afterwards, but he didn't really care that much. He usually fed the animals, but never spent more time with them. His body was too weak to even bare with iron armor. He usually wore a painted leather armor, and used golden tools, because they were the lightest. Besides every time they broke he somehow got new ones.

He didn't care about the feeling of someone waching him. The best thing the stalker could do is taking his last life.

Dream knew he had problems. He knew he wasn't healty, but he didn't want to be a burden, so he kept everything locked up, inside his body, keeping it all for himself.

Sometimes he got visitors. At first it was all just screaming and blaming. But then it morphed into shocked ghasps, as his state only gotten worse every time someone saw him. And eventually their words were filled with worry, or guilt. But he was careless. He told them he was fine. He lied to them, and never felt bad about it. Lying comes to him as a natural thing.

And he was grateful for this skill.

He liked when Techno and his friends visited.

They always smiled at him, they let him touch them, hug them, they understood when he just wanted silence. Even Ranboo! He loved it! It was like a family he never had. So he made sure not to speak about his problems.

That would ruin everything he loved.


He tried to talk with someone, that being Puffi, but she just said he was overdramatic.

And mother is always right.

Yes. Mother is always right.

He was laying in the floor, staring blankly at the celliling, thinking about how meaningless this whole thing was.

666 word break.

He heard a small knock at the door, but he was careless about whoever that was. Techno and his friends left a couple hours ago, saying they had matters to do. Dream just laid there, eyes unblinking, staring at the celliling, while the door opened with a silent creack. Footstepps headed towards the unmoving boy, rather hurriedly. The person soon came into the former prisoner's wiev, the visitor turned out to be the fox hybrid.

"Dream? Can you hear me?" His voice was full of panic, tears gatherimg in the blue eyes. A slow nod was all Fundy recieved, but it was more than enough. The fox hybrid slowly picked up the, now wery confused, admin, and brought him to the bed, laying him dow.

"Why?" Upon recieving a questioning look from Fundy, Dream explained his question.
"I hurt you, and many others. I betrayed you and broke your heart and..." He was silenced by a hand wiping away his tears streaming down on his face. He didn't even noticed.

"Why didn't you pushed away George?" Fundy asked, making Dream sob harder. The hybrid knew it wasn't a good idea to ask this directly, but he had to know. Everything was perfect before the brunett interfered.

"I was shocked. I was... George broke my heart so many times and after he kissed me I... I was conflicted." Dream said, looking at Fundy, who just nodded.

"Dream I care about you, you know?" The comment was random, confusing the admin.

"I built this cottage, I brought you the animals. I want to care for you and help you." The blonde blushed, hugging the fox hybrid.
"I still love you." The man whispered, hugging back.

"I love you too." The words were no louder than a whisper. But Fundy was more than happy when his ears picked them up, tightening his grip on Dream protectively. He will help him and protect him from harm at any cost.

I'm hugr&, I h♧ven't had any fo♤d today. Ther€'s nothing edible at h♤me.

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