Mr. Sandman|💞in🖤

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Dreamnoblade warning
A litle strong flirting because why not.

That was it. Locked up from the world, hated, left without hope... Was that really how all villains story ends? Is this fair? He wanted peace. He wanted back what was his. Was that a bad thing? Was that not allowed? Why does villains always lose? Why was he the villain in the first place? Who, and when decided the roles? Was it between events? Was it decided from the start? So many question, but oh, so small amount of answers... Was this really worth it? Or... Was it all just some litle game of the gods? Dream's toughts wandered off, as he was curled up, hugging his knees. His emerald eyes stared at the shadows, the shine slowly dying out of them, as he sink deeper in his toughts.

"I can tell the answers you seraching for." An echo sounded, and the boy flinched, looking around.

"W-who are you?!" He started panicking. In the shadows a human started forming. Green flame shamples ran up to their elbows. White eyes opened, and shined in the dark shadow. A glory floated around their head.

"Call me Nox. A spirit coming from the shadow realm. The greater Intelligence sent me to you, in order to fullfill your knowledge, and help you trought this state." The shadow stated, walking to the prisoner. You could see that the thing wasn't touchable, it was made out of shadows.

"I... Have multiple questions." Dream said, sitting leg crossed on the hard obsidian. The spirit sat down too, gesturing for the boy to continue.

"What I did... Was that really bad?"

"The answer isn't that easy. You can't decide whenewer an action is good or bad, because the touchable realm isn't working like that. This is something you, mortals say, but we, the shadows see trought this pathetic system. You did sinfull things, but the goal you wanted to reach was good. However that dosen't justify your actions, but neither the re-acktion of others. You did good thing too, what justify some of your sins. If you apologise, it will justify every sin of yours. And your suffer? It gives you full credit... And strokes lines in the ones sin list who made you suffer, unless you forgive them. Forgiveness is the only way the gods can look away from your sins." The sadow finished the speech, leaving the boy in silent. "Now sleep. Maybe in your dreams, you will find peace." They said, and Dream laid down on the cold, and hard obsidian floor. The shadow touched his forehead. "You'r dreams will give you the things you deserve." Whispered, and the boy drifted into the world of dreams. The shadow slowly lifted their hand up, pulling out a panel from the boy's head, showing his dream.

Peace. Everything was peacefull. And it was nice. Dream walked around, investigating SMP kingdom. He walked to L'manhole... But there wasn't a big hole. There were buildings everywhere. Tommy walked towards him with Tubbo. They looked happy, no sight of any L'manburg clothing, it was just two happy teen.

"Hey Big D! You up for the duel tonight?" The british child asked, earning a confused look from Dream.
"You know, the one what decides the fate of the disks." The boy held up two discs, the ones the two blonde adored so much.

"Aren't these your strongest attachments?" The older asked suprised.

"Oh c'mon man, these are just discs. We duel for them in every month." The child said in a concerned tone. It was strange how dream acted. "And this time don't hold back, like you did in the last 10 rounds." The younger blonde added with a friendly push, and Dream chuckled. Holding back.... That was the keyword in every fight he fought. Not releasing his full strenght, that's what he always did. Seems like this world isn't that different. Suddenly Technoblade approached them, greeting the two minor with a hair ruffle.

"Hello guys." He said in his monotone voice. But he was smiling, and there weren't battle scars on him. Dream noticed that no one had scars, (beside some bandages on Tommy, but that was from the adventures he went). And Techno looked even more handsome than he was. He then walked to Dream, and gently pulled him in a kiss.
"How is the most beautifull king in the world?" The pinkette flirted, and Dream, even tought he was blushing mad, decided to throw back that ball.

"I don't know. How are you?" He asked with a smirk, and recieved another kiss from Techno.

"Ewww go to a room." Tommy covered Tubbo's eyes, while closed his own.

"Maybe later." The Anarchist said, and Dream blushed ewen more.

"I DID NOT NEEDED TO HEAR THAT!" Tommy said running off.

"EYY BIG MAN WAIT!" Tubbo ran after him. The loverboys laughed, even tought Dream was tomato red.

Nox smiled, and held both Dream's hands, and started pulling him away. But the body didn't move, a slightly gliching sleeping boy shifted out from the now empity shell. The soul was covered in bruises, and it had a big glich, what separated the body into two. The shadow picked up the soul in bridal style, the black and the white aura mixed around them, and the shadows slowly wrapped them into darkness.

"I brought him, as you ordered." The creature kneeled in front of a man, who was made out of sand. He was quite tall, and wore a royal outfit, also made out of sand. His eyes looked at the still dreaming soul, and gently touched the huge glich.

"This will be not easy. But thank you, dear shadow. You may now leave." The man said, and made a bed out of sand, then sent it to a room, where were all kind of souls, all sleeping, dreaming about wonders. Some of them were slightly injuried, they were healing for a long time, some were still hurt badly. A sand panel floated above their heads, showing the dream they currently had. These souls were abadonded for a long time, or tormented by others. They will be sleeping for the end of the realms, living the life they deserve. The man smiles gently, as he looks at the peacefull sight in front of him, when a litle fairy made out of sand flew to him.

"Mr. Sandman, you have a meeting with the guardian of the dreams." The fairy says in a cute, and soft voice, and the two headed out of the room.

Back to the drama~

There was no message about death, but there were no sign of life among the prison's walls. And Sam got furious, because he didn't recieved any noises from there. So he did the first thing he could think about: getting someone to check the prisoner. And the final choice was none other than Captain Puffy, Dream's mother. But when they went inside of the opsidian box, they saw the boy lying on the floor, his skin was gray, and his lips were completely dry. The two stared at the corpse in shock, as the mother ran to the body of his son, checking his pulse, just to find nothing. Horrible pain moved into her bones, as she cried without holding back. Sam hugged her, offering comfort, what the broken sheep hybrid accepted. She hugged the corpse as if it was still alive.

"My litle duckling... I'm sorry...."

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