It's never my time t♤ die|🖤

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Basically, T♤mmy's exile arc, but different. Instead of Tommy, Dre♧m got exiled and escorted to the island by Tommy, where his already bad mental state became absolute trash, adding {he authority abuse from Tommy, he became su¡cidal.


Should ♧▪︎th♤r write TW's still? They ar€n't that good at it.

Dream was waching the sunset, empity dark green eyes starring into nothing particular. The sea was calmly waving under him, an orange bridge made out of the sulight danced alongside the soft humming of the water, cooing a gentle lullaby into the admin's ears. A beautiful tune whispered by the infinite sea. But the peace was just as quickly gone as it arrived, a loud yell for the tired blonde echoed trought the island, the water bringing the voice far.

Tommy was never the type to manipulate others, but he knew the moment Dream got advantage, he's going to use it. The man was a speedrunner who defeated five hunters at least twice. So he decided to kill the courage in Dream. Tommy was never the manipulative type... But it was for the greater good, wasn't it?

He arrived at the portal, looking for the exiled admin, yelling his name, seeing the small siluette (I have no idea how should I write this word, please help.-♧/N) on the sandy beach. His heart clenched when he saw the body language of the once all mighty ruler, completely broken, and empity. Tommy knew that George and Sapnap had visited Dream the day before, and he overheard them talking with Quackity about a big fight within the Dream Team. He felt like he needed to just talk with the admin for a bit. He called for him once again, and the older one stood up slowly, walking.... limping towards the younger, who starred with pure confusion in his eyes.

Dream sighed and threw out his stuff in front of Tommy. A wooden axe, some logs, a crafting table, and a single arrow. The younger blonde lit them with the flint and steel he carried around. The older blonde just turned around and walked back to the beach, starring into the distance. This was the first time he wasn't talking. Tommy felt like something was missing from the always cheerful admin. A spark of some kind.

He didn't have the courage to talk with Dream that day.

Time sk¡p

Tommy was heading towards the exile portal when he heard yelling. He hid behind a cobblestone tower he built a while ago to listen to the conversation that came towards him.

"George, please, I didn't mean to -" Dream's voice rang through the dry lands of the nether, suprising the younger blonde.

"Shut up, Dream. You still messed up. You are more useless than I thought." The brit woice was filled with venom, the words were folloved by a cry of pain from the admin, then an angry George stormed away on the small road that connected the server's portal with the exile one. Tommy heard small hiccups that slowly grew into pain filled crying, then laughing. But it wasn't the signature wheeze, nor the villaionus one Tommy got used to. No, it was empity, not a single emotion painted the laugh that ran trought the nether, making all the mobs stop and look at the ground with sorrow filled eyes, worrying for their admin. Tommy slowly walked towards the blonde, who stood alarmingly close to the edge, staring down to the infinite sea of liquid fire.

"It's not your time to die yet." The younger bloke said, placing a gentle hand to the other's shoulder, but Dream just turned away with a dreadful smile.

"It's never my time to die." He said and headed back to the exile portal.

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