Ruben Dias X Reader - Dream a Little Dream

Start from the beginning

"Dad, I'm going now." You stood. Perhaps this would be the last time you'd come to visit. It was getting to painful to do it.

"Whatever he needs, give it to him." You said, handing the bartender a bundle of cash. She gave you a sympathetic smile, pocketing the money.

You turned your heels, ready to walk out of your father's life forever, when...

"Your mother..." He said.

You didn't dare to turn your back and look at him, however, that was his voice.

"Your mother would be proud." He said, words clear as day to you, but perhaps inaudible to anyone else in the bar.

Your lips trembled. "Thank you."

Picking up your steps, walking out of the bar.

You remember crashing into something warm and solid, Ruben, who stood waiting for you by his car. He could have said I told you so, he could have said that coming back here was a stupid idea, but all he did was hold you, letting you cry in his arms.

You came home and took a bath. Ruben had bought all your favorite foods from a local restaurant that you loved, however you had no appetite, all you wanted was for this day to be over, a day you would remember that no matter how much you achieved in life there was no one left in your family to witness it.

"Look what I found."

You left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your head. You paused on your way to your bedroom, seeing Ruben on the floor, an old vinyl record in his hand.

"What is it?" You frowned.

Ruben always had a thing for collecting old records. Somthing you learned after the two of you first got together.

"It's Ella Fitzgerald." He said, holding up the vinyl disc. "Let's listen to her."

"Ruben I don't..."

You were really not in the mood. Usually you would love listening to his old records and dance around the living room. But right there, right now, all you wanted to do was go to bed.

"Stars shining bright above you..."

Then a wonderful voice sparked through the record player, capturing your heart in an instance.

"Night breezes seem to whisper I love you..."

"She's good, no?" Ruben stood from the floor and approached you.

"Birds singin' in the sycamore trees..."

"Yes." You said, taking the hand that Ruben was offering you.

"Dream a little dream of me...."

He pulled you close and started swaying you around the living room.

"Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me

Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me..."

"I'm proud of you, you know that right?"

"For graduating. Thank you." You allowed your head to rest against his shoulder.

"Dream a little dream of me...."

"No." He chuckled. "For still thinking of your family, wanting to visit them."

"I don't have a family." You muttered.

"Stars fading but I linger on, dear...."

Ruben pulled you back with a surprised look in his eyes. "No? What am I then?"

"Ruben." You sighed. "You're...You're..."


"Still craving your kiss..."

"What she said."


The voice of Ella still belted out around you, filling the apartment with a sense of peace and love.

"You're my home Ruben. My only home."

"Y/N." He pulled you close, your head surrendering to his comforting shoulder.

"Say I'm your home too." You said, hands digging into the hem of his shirt.

"Your my home." He whispered. "My everything and my home."

Slowly he swayed your body to the music, you sniffles muffled up against his shoulder. Life wasn't perfect but with Ruben it was good enough to go on.

"Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you

But in your dreams, whatever they be

Dream a little dream of me...."

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