Chapter 73: Excitement

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Warning: There is sexual content this chapter. If that upsets you, just skip this one! Love you all.<3

The days leading up to Winter's birthday quickly passed with Maggie and I being so busy preparing for it. The rest of the group helped us too...
I suppose you could say Winter was well loved...a lot. Maybe a bit spoilt too...

I spent my time secretly modding her bike to act more like a motorbike for her.

It took some time and a lot of parts, as well as a few injuries here and there, but, I managed to make it work.

And trust Zoe to find me whilst I was finishing it up...
She went nuts over it. So, I let her test it...
Which was an awful decision on my part. She crashed it straight into a wall and I had to fix it up all over again...

Though, this time, I made sure to make it a little less powerful, and out of Zoe's reach.

It was currently the night before Winter's birthday, and after Maggie and I put her to sleep, we snuck out our cell and began to decorate the cafeteria.

Daryl and Zoe were in charge of decorating the cell block, Rick, Glenn and Hershel decorated the halls, and Beth and the kid's insisted that they decorate the courtyard. I wasn't sure why at first, but then I saw them drag out a huge-ass bouncy castle and Zoe had a huge grin on her face...
Where the hell did she even find one!?

Ignoring the suspicious bouncy castle, I didn't really trust Zoe to decorate the cell block, but, Daryl was with her so, I'm sure he'd keep her in line...I hope.

I helped Maggie carry the decorations to the cafeteria, but, she insisted she carry the more heavy things due to my injuries and scars. I tried to help her with the more heavy things, but every time I did, I'd get a scowl and a harsh scolding.

Aside from the decorations, we also made sure to bring lamps and torches to see. I also bought my polaroid camera, since I wanted to capture these small moments...even if it was something as simple as decorating the cafeteria.

Once we bought the last of the decorations to the cafeteria, I rested for a moment and looked to Maggie.
"You know, just cause I've got one eye, it doesn't mean I'm disabled...I can still help you.."
She smiled and cupped my cheek.
"I know."
"Then why-"
She put her finger to my lips and her smile grew.
"Quiet. People are sleeping, bunny."
I scoffed a soft chuckle.

Maggie grinned and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, before backing away and turning to face the boxes of decorations.
"Where should we start?"
I hummed in thought and stood up straight, wrapping my arm around her waist as I scanned the room.
"The ceiling? It'll be a pain if we do it last..."
She rested her head on my shoulder and hummed in agreement.
"Sounds good."
I let go of her to get the decorations, but she pulled me back.
"Don't forget to fill the piñata before hanging it."
I rolled my eye and cupped her cheeks.
"I will."
She gave me a stern stare.
"Actually, forget it, I'll do the piñata."
I let go of her cheeks and frowned.
"I'm not that forgetful..."
She crossed her arms and raised a brow with a smirk.
"Oh? Then when's dad's birthday?"
My brain went blank and I just stared at her.
She snorted and pinched my cheeks.
"It was last month."
"Oh yeah..."
I grabbed her wrists and pulled them down from my face as I grinned at her.
"Guess I blocked it out cause you beat my ass for forgetting to get him a present."
"You little-"

She tried to trip me up, but I quickly let her go and ran away, causing her to chase after me. I threw decorations in her way to stop her, and she threw decorations at me, both of us stifling laughs as we ran.

Maggie ended up tripping on a party ribbon and fell face first into a big pile of decorations, making me snigger.

I quickly pulled out my polaroid camera and snapped a picture of her as she struggled to free herself.

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