Chapter 37: Gossip Girls

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After a few days of rest, Maggie deemed me well enough to finally be able to help out around the prison. Whilst I was bedridden, Sofia always kept me company, as well as Carl and Glenn. However, Maggie was the person who visited me most, rarely leaving my side, unless she absolutely had to.

I walked down the prison hall and came to a stop at a cell with an unfamiliar woman inside, who I was told, was called Michone. I tapped on the bars and she turned to face me.

She had dark chocolate skin and dark hair styled in dreadlocks. She had a quite fit and muscular physique, which was pretty impressive.

"Finally up and around, huh?" She asked.
Her voice was rather stern, but gentle.
"You mean finally free from house arrest? Yes. I heard you wanted to talk to me, I'm-"
She chuckled and walked over to me.
"Y/n, I know. You're pretty well known around the prison."
She chuckled and rested a hand on my shoulder.
"Oh, yeah."
"For good reasons, I hope?"
She chuckled, taking her hand away.
"Now, that would depend on who you ask"

She walked past me, grabbing her sword, motioning me to follow her.
"Got your knife?" She asked.
I patted my hip.
She nodded.
"Good. We're going to clear a new part of the prison"
I couldn't help but grin and stretched my arms out.
"About time I got to do something fun."
Michone chuckled and held the exit door open for me.
"Oh, I bet."

We walked down multiple hallways and turned multiple corners, till I finally decided to ask where exactly we were going.
"Uh, where are we going? Where are we clearing exactly?"
"So you finally asked?" She chuckled.
"Well...I thought It'd be a nearby block or something...but we're going quite deep."
"The legendary y/n isn't scared now, is she?"
I raised a brow at her and scoffed.
"Me? Scared of walkers? Never. Maggie? Well, that's debatable." I joked.
Michone chuckled.
"Scarier than the, Governor?"

I paused and looked at her curiously.
"You know the, Governor?"
"Knew. Ended up in Woodbury for a while, but we had a....disagreement. I left soon after. He's been after me ever since."
I nodded and continued to walk.
"Guess we're both not in his good books then"
She smirked and paused in front of a huge pair of double doors.
"That's one way to put it."

She tried to open the door, but it was locked. She let out an annoyed sigh, then tried kicking the doors in. She gave it a good few tries, but the doors stayed firmly locked. I ended up sniggering at her attempts. She turned to me and gave me a sassy look.
"Got a better way?"
I nodded and pulled a bobby pin from my hair.
"Watch and learn, miss samurai."
I walked past her and crouched down in front of the lock.

I bent the bobby pin slightly and placed it in the lock, wiggling it about until it clicked. I then stood and pushed the door open.
"Voilà." I smirked.
Michone quickly swung her sword past my head, killing a walker behind me. I quickly turned and killed another walker that approached me.
"Mmm, voilà indeed." Michone mocked.

There was a few walkers inside and most of them were prison guards.
"You take the left I'll take the right" I suggested.
Michone nodded and ran to the left.
"Fine by me" She answered, slashing a walker down.

I turned to my side and focused. There was around five walkers for me to take care of. I held my knife tighter and stretched my neck, then ran forwards. I knocked the first walker to it's knees and pushed an approaching one back, giving myself time to kill the walker I had tripped. I turned to the next walker and stabbed it in the head, using it's body to block the next walker from biting me, then shoved the body into it, knocking it to the floor and killing it. I slashed the next walkers knees, stabbing it in the head as soon as it dropped. I shoved the final walker to the floor and stomped it's head in, wiping my knife on my jeans.

Secrets Untold. (Maggie x fem!reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα