Start from the beginning

You took a deep breath, meeting Lizzie's eyes. "Elizabeth is completely entitled to her own opinion, yes, but that doesn't give her the right to belittle me like I haven't sacrificed my whole life for her."

"You're right." Lizzie agreed, handing you a cigarette. "Polly is fucking wrong for what she did. It runs in this family, I tell you. Thomas is the same exact way."

You giggled, "This is our main conversation topic, innit? The people who we love for whatever reason and their flaws affecting us."

"I've heard this is what women do in book clubs. Talk of the book then talk of their ghastly husbands." Lizzie chirped and you hummed, filling your glass up with more whiskey. "The difference is that you're queer and I'm with thee Thomas Shelby." Lizzie exaggerated his name, widening her eyes in faux admiration.

The room was silent before you replied to her, taking a cigarette out of your tin. "Do you think I should break the silent treatment with Polly or wait?" Your question was quiet, feeling stupid to be asking the question.

Lizzie looked you up and down before sighing, leaning back in her seat. "You said this was the first time you've really stood up for yourself to her?" You nodded as you placed a cigarette between your lips. "I'd say..you wait for her to apologise. There was a reason you needed to stand up for yourself, and it was bad enough that you did so. You're very.." She paused, cocking her head to the side. "Soft. You're one of the sweetest girls I know and you bend over backwards for her, so if I'm hearing you actually yelled at her? She needs to be the mature person she is known for and own up to her mistake. She needs to apologise, not you." She used her fingers to point at you, narrowing her blue eyes.

The advice from Mary and Lizzie were almost identical. Lizzie was truly one of the only people you could trust the most in these types of situations, and vice versa. You fiddled with your hands in your lap, removing one to take the cigarette out of your mouth for a moment. "I agree with you. I just think she's a really stubborn woman and this silent treatment may never end if I don't apologise. It's been almost two weeks without a single personal word conversed between us, that scares me." You admitted to her, your voice starting to break. "I really want things to be alright, Lizzie. I love her."

She gave you a reassuring smile, leaning over so she could take one of your hands and hold it. "I know, love, I know. They will be. Give it another few days, if it doesn't progress, write a letter or something. Don't assume that it will go on for that long, maybe she'll speak to you tonight. Alright? Oh, don't cry." Lizzie laughed after she reassured you as best as she could, wiping the tears away with her hands. "You're too pretty for that. No more crying over this, cause even Arthur and John have noticed the bloodshot eyes and they barely notice anything."

Now it was your turn to laugh, silently agreeing with her. She glanced over to the window and took her cigarette from the ashtray, taking a drag. "Now, let's go get you some food. Can't smoke and drink on an empty stomach."


The advice Lizzie had given you stuck with you through the day. You distracted yourself after work and the meeting you had with her by baking, a little joy of yours instead of dreading over the situation and giving yourself some serotonin after the distressing week.

The minute the butterscotch cake was out, you heard the front door creak open. All that serotonin you had in your body had practically vanished as you heard Polly's heels clicking slowly. You tried to reassure yourself it'd be fine and she wouldn't bother you, getting back to the cake you had just made.

"Butterscotch, I assume?"

Ah, fuck.

You froze for a few seconds, a part of you relieved to hear her voice again. Another part of you was suspicious since she started speaking to you so abruptly about something that wasn't business.

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