B | Optimus Prime X Ironhide: Family

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Request by: @Emo_girl3365

Optimus and Ironhide adopt an abandoned sparkling, which begins life with ups and downs for the family.

It's a hot day while Optimus has patrol in the city, and he likes the wind better than the air conditioner. What concerns him is hearing crying from the alleyway he's driving by.

As he walks down the alleyway, he spots something shiny. He didn't think the shiny object would be a Cybertronian sparkling. The sun reflecting off their frame. What horrifies him even more is noticing the sparkling eas the size of a human newborn, confirming this sparkling is five hours old. With no reports of a femme screaming in pain, Optimus concludes the Cybertronian gave birth far from humans but dumped the sparkling in the alleyway. He can't leave the sparkling to die or be found by humans who'll see the sparkling as an experiment. As he picks up the crying sparkling, he discovers the note, which disgusts him more.
:: Ratchet, I have found a Cybertronian sparkling. ::
:: What?! ::
Optimus doesn't have to repeat himself as he's certain Ratchet hears the crying.

Ratchet couldn't believe how young the sparkling is and how hungry the sparkling is. He can make sparkling Energon.
Optimus informs his sparkmate, Ironhide, who comes to the medbay to see the sparkling.
"We can adopt them," Ironhide smiles.
He knows Ratchet still needs to make sure the sparkling is healthy. Ironhide does his best to comfort the hungry sparkling, knowing Earty fuel sources would be too much for them, so unfortunately, the sparkling will have to wait.

Ratchet can make one bottle quickly, but making a steady supply will be challenging. The three mechs can tell how hungry the sparkle is as they drink the bottle. Ratchet works on a few more bottles before preparing a large supply of Energon for the sparkling. He can't make a supply to last until the sparkling is ready for youngling Energon, but enough for a week.

Once the sparkling is full, Ratchet does the exam.
"This little one is a (femme/ mech)," he tells them.
They name the sparkling (Y/D). Ironhide chooses to be considered the sparkling's carrier, while Optimus will be their sire.

The other Autobots at the base are disgusted with how the sparkling came into Optimus and Ironhide's lives, but know the sparkling will have a good life with those two as their parents. The two quickly have a routine.

With (Y/N) being the size of a human youngling, they can sit in Ironhide's alt mode. Ironhide loves how he can take the sparkling out, and this has been his routine since Optimus found the sparkling two months ago.
The drive out of the city is nice until Ironhide spots Starscream and Megatron flying above him.
"Scrap, hood on, little one."
Ironhide knows driving faster won't cause the two jets to lose him, but he hopes he'll find a place to hide quickly. His plan is unsuccessful.

"You thought you could get away from us?" Megatron laughs, "thanks for the new recruit."
"Let my sparkling go!"
Ironhide would love to fight Megatron, but he's chained up.
"I have a better idea, Megatron," Starscream comments.
Ironhide is horrified by Starscream's plan.

Optimus is horrified by what Megatron shows him. By now, his demands aren't a surprise. Optimus hopes to take Megatron down rather than surrender, but now his sparkmate and adoptive sparkling is in the mix. No matter how much the team plans, Optimus feels they need to plan more, but they need to get to Ironhide.

"We know how this goes, Prime," Megatron comments, "this time I'll make sure you have no choice but to surrender."
The team sees Ironhide chained to the wall and gagged. Ironhide's screams for his sparkling are muffled.
The team is forced to watch Ironhide be tortured. After a while, Megatron lets Ironhide and the sparkling go. The team questions the motive while worried about Ironhide. (Y/N) becomes clingy and won't let Ironhide set (him/her) down or give them to another Autobot. Not even Ratchet to make sure the cons didn't do anything.

The two sit on their berth. Ironhide holds their sparkling and cries. Terrified the cons are planning to kidnap (Y/D). Ironhide is traumatized, and he agrees to see Rung. Optimus knows Ironhide will never recover from what the cons did, but hoping enough that the situation won't affect his life.

Rung suggests the two have a night to themselves and let the femmes watch their sparkling. By now, the sparkling feels safe with other Autobots. Optimus didn't think Ironhide would want to have a little fun, and he worries Ironhide will be traumatized and become afraid of him. Instead, Ironhide would want him to be rough.

Even with a now four-month-old sparkling, the couple is happy to be having a sparkling. They think they can handle two little ones.
"I can't believe it," Ironhide smiles.
The two watch their adopted sparkling play, wishing (Y/D) was old enough to understand a half-sibling is on the way.

Everything seemed great for this family. The couple is eager that their little one is due in six weeks until Ironhide catches Optimus talking to Elita-1 and letting her be a flirt.
He gets closer to the two without being seen, hoping to hear Optimus telling Elita-1 to stop flirting. Instead, Elita-1 is talking trash about Ironhide and accusing him of things he didn't do. Things worsen as Optimus returns flirtatious remarks to Elita-1, and he walks away, sparkbroken.

As Sideswipe walks into the hangar in bipedal form, he hears crying. He turns on the lights, horrified to see Ironhide pointing his gun at his chassis. Sideswipe knows he has to be careful not to startle Ironhide.
"Why are you doing this?" Sideswipe asks as he walks slowly toward the mech. He couldn't believe what he is hearing, "that's fragged up, but this isn't the way. I know you don't want to kill the sparkling. Elita-1 will likely be the carrier to (Y/D) if you're gone. I'll help you with both the little ones."
Ironhide's grip on the gun is loose, and Sideswipe gets the gun away from him. He hugs the sad mech, not expecting Ironhide to move his servo to his lower chassis.
"Whoa," Sideswipe smiles, feeling the sparkling kicking.

Ironhide stays with Sideswipe, which leaves Optimus sad and wondering why his sparkmate left him.
"He saw me with Elita-1, scrap."
Optimus tries to figure out how to fix this, but he needs to figure out something soon. He refuses to miss his sparkling's birth.

Optimus talks to Ironhide a week later.
"I'm sorry," Optimus apologizes and explains himself. He wasn't looking to date Elita-1 and told her to stop flirting.
"I forgive you," Ironhide tells him.
As the two kiss, Ironhide feels pain different from the sparkling kicking.
"Frag, Optimus, I think it's time."
Optimus hopes Ironhide means labor has just begun rather than ignoring contractions, and he's now ready to deliver.

Ratchet confirms labor just started, but it's not too early for the sparkling to come. He has the two stay in the medbay. The couple knows they'll be busy and enjoy time alone while Ironhide isn't in much pain.

As contractions intensify, Ironhide is in a lot of pain. Optimus does his best to support his sparkmate. This becomes more of a challenge as Ironhide's water breaks, but Ironhide refuses pain relief.
"Fragging shit!" Ironhide cries.
"Relax, we'll have two sparklings soon."
Optimus worries something is wrong since Ironhide has been in labor for eighteen hours.
He watches Ironhide on the berth.
"Frag, Optimus, get them," Ironhide cries.
Optimus doesn't know that Ironhide is pushing, hoping it's time to deliver.

Ironhide cannot stop to let Ratchet make sure it's time to push. The medics hurry to get what they need, and Optimus knows Ironhide can't stop pushing.

"Frag, it burns!" Ironhide screams.
He has been pushing for ten minutes.
"The sparkling is crowning," Ratchet tells him, "push, Ironhide."
"You can do it, my love. We'll have two sparklings to love," Optimus smiles.
Ironhide screams in pain until the sparkling is out.
"Frag," Ironhide pants.
The parents smile, hearing the newborn sparkling cry. Ratchet purs the sparkling on Ironhide's chassis.
"It's a femme/ mech)," Ratchet tells them.

Ironhide spends an hour with (Y/D) before recharging. Optimus sits on the Cybertronian-sized chair, holding the newborn, hoping to give the two sparklings a sibling one day.

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