🍋E | Hot Shot X Human Femme Reader: The Secret We've Kept

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Request by; @Asombrero2021

(Y/N) loves Hot Shot but has been too shy to even talk to him, never mind telling him how she feels. Things change one day after the Autobots get holoforms programmed...
Warning; sexual content

(Y/N) watches Hot Shot scold Kicker for leaving Cybertron city again, wishing she could talk to him. (Y/N) didn't think that being friends with Alexis Thi Dang would get her involved with the transformers.
It was her fault for walking into Alexis's property. (Y/N) swears she didn't see a mostly yellow giant robot in the yard. She remembers Alexis panicking, yet Hot Shot was calm though the secret got out. After promising Alexis not to tell anyone, (Y/N) is allowed to talk to Hot Shot. She remembers falling in love as the two talked, knowing she shouldn't be falling for him quickly or at all.

Fast forward three years. Hot Shot is busy acting as mayor of Cybertron city. Since the day the two met, (Y/N) has struggled to talk to Hot Shot beyond answering questions. 
(Y/N) doesn't know that Hot Shot is staring at her. Until Kicker speeds off. Hot Shot transforms and speeds after Kicker.

(Y/N) walks by a lab, overhearing Dr. Jones and a few unfamiliar voices talking about holoform. This intrigues (Y/N), but she'd rather not eavesdrop. Believing whatever they're doing in the lab will be brought up to everyone.

Sally walks into the cafeteria, takes one look at (Y/N), and smiles.
"So, who do you like?" Sally asks, smiling as she sits on a chair next to (Y/N), who ignores her, "you like my brother?" She chirps.
"Ewe no!"
Sally asks if the one she loves is an Autobot. (Y/N) ignores Sally, trying to get an answer, knowing Sally will either be grossed out or ask why she hasn't told the Autobot she loves. Just thinking about this brings on tears. (Y/N) rushes out of the room, leaving Sally confused.

(Y/N) runs by Hot Shot with tears rolling down her face, which concerns the Autobot. Add that (Y/N) ignores him calling her name. Got Shot believes it's better not to go after her but regrets his decision as the day goes by and he doesn't see (Y/N).

Hot Shot sees (Y/N) at a meeting Dr. Jones and a few scientists — both Autobot and human — have planned.
"You're all probably thinking this is a meeting about research on Energon," Dr. Jones starts, "but you're all wrong, and I think you're going to love this!" The Autobots and humans look at each other, confused as Dr. Jones types at a keyboard, "I have found a way to allow Autobots to better interact with the humans they work with. I present to you the holoform."
The potential invention intrigued everyone, hoping it'll work. Hot Shot thinking about how he can tell (Y/N) how much he likes her while using the holoform.
The humans are dismissed. (Y/N) is tempted to spy on Hot Shot getting his holoform programmed but is too shy to spy.

(Y/N) doesn't see Hot Shot often for the next two weeks. Though she's not looking for him either. Now she hopes he stays away from her as her damn female curse started, but also, her mind is wondering if Hot Shot's holoform is working.

"Hey, (Y/N)," a male she's never met calls.
The male looks at her with blue eyes like the Autobots' optics. The only clue (Y/N) has no idea as to who this could be is the light grey shirt with yellow sleeves. The pants this male wears are dark blue jeans that would only match Ironhide, "is my voice different?"
(Y/N) couldn't believe Hot Shot was looking for her. While Hot Shot was questioning the smell, he's getting from her.
That explains the weird lessons in human hormone smells. Hot Shot realizes, embarrassed, the Autobots that helped Dr. Jones with his project told the Autobots who got a holoform that knowing human body odors are important and that there are hormonal smells that humans can't smell. To smell that the one Hot Shot loves is — as he was told — on her period, the human female version of the heat cycle. Making it hard not to push her into the room behind her and rip her clothes off. He is happy that (Y/N) agrees to take him to her room.

The mech isn't sure what to do. Should he tell (Y/N) that he's loved her for a while?
"So.. uh... I don't know what to do now," he admits.
"Then let me teach you how humans have fun," (Y/N) smiles and undresses Hot Shot.
Hot Shot's mind tells him to undress her. Though (Y/N) is a little embarrassed about the bloody pad and relieved she didn't choose to put a tampon in.
"First lesson; condoms. Absolutely a must unless you want to get the girl pregnant and....as much as I love you and would love to have your baby; rule number two; one-night stand, as we call it, is a big no. You should be in a relationship for a while before having w baby. Surely it was the same on Cybertron."
Hot Shot is embarrassed to tell (Y/N) that he doesn't know. That he's never dated a femme before the war. He's hoping that because the holoforms are programmed, he'll have the natural instincts mech humans have. Uncertain if the fact that his spike is ready confirms this. (Y/N) is a little embarrassed that the first time will be a mess, but she's no longer shy and wants to wait. Secretly she wants to have Hot Shot's baby now, but knows that's not right.

Hot Shot is confused about why (Y/N) is sucking his spike, but how he felt as she did this is unexpected.
This doesn't last long before (Y/N) stands up to kiss him. Hot Shot feels weird remembering sex education class on Cybertron. He's learned enough about the human body since arriving on Earth and the two weeks about his holoform to know how this fun is similar. Add memories of his carrier and sire replay. Though they don't know how Hot Shot accidentally watched them that one night.
(Y/N) tries to ignore the blood going down her legs as she kisses Hot Shot. She didn't think Hot Shot would push her into the bed.
"Hot Shot, your hand—!"
"So what? I can wash them afterward," he argues, fingers around (Y/N)'s valve.
(Y/N) is embarrassed she's bleeding on the one she loves even if he's choosing this.
Hot Shot doesn't do this for long before putting his spike in, remembering how it hurts femmes for a few seconds. 
Even with the pain, (Y/N) can't believe what she's doing. Believing she must be dreaming.
Hot Shot can't believe what he's doing as he moves slowly, worried he'll hurt (Y/N).

Time went slowly and seemed to have sped up as the two lay on the bed, still shocked at what they did.
"You have an odd way to say you love me," Hot Shot smiles.
"And you went along with it."
"Because I love you. I didn't want to ruin our friendship if you thought we couldn't be together because...you know..."
"I was thinking the same and sky to even say anything to you."
The two enjoy their first kiss before showering together.

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